The Most Deadly Snakes in the World

Published on January 2, 2018

Mojave rattlesnake

Yup, the mojave rattlesnake is a dangerous fella and although they have a reputation for being aggressive towards people, such behavior is not actually described in scientific literature. Like other rattlesnakes, they will defend themselves vigorously when disturbed. Noted. Also, their venom is considered to be one of the most debilitating and potentially deadly of all of the North American snakes, however chances for survival are very good if medical attention is sought as soon as possible after a bite.

Mojave Rattlesnake

Mojave Rattlesnake


The Neotropical rattlesnake or Cascabel (Crotalus durissus) is a medically important species because of the venom toxicity and human fatalities it is responsible for. I don’t care how many names it has, this is one dangerous snake I never want to encounter.

