The Most Deadly Snakes in the World

Published on January 2, 2018

Black desert cobra

Yup, you guessed it, the Black desert cobra is a highly venomous snake that is found in the Middle East. The venom it produces is a very strong neurotoxic and also has mild hemotoxic factors. If bite, you will experience local pain, swelling, general weakness, headache, fever, and vomiting. Now while this is not usually an aggressive snake, it will strike and hiss loudly if is provoked.

Black Desert Cobra

Black Desert Cobra

Mozambique spitting cobra

Udh, another medically important African spitting cobra, known as the Mozambique spitting cobra or Naja mossambica. This species is considered to be quite irritable and highly aggressive. Great news, right? Nope. Get this, the Mozambique spitting cobra is responsible for a significant amount of bites in its range, but most are not actually fatal. That’s an upside I suppose.

Mozambique Spitting Cobra

Mozambique Spitting Cobra