15+ Horrifying Creatures of the Deep Sea

Published on January 28, 2018

You don’t need to take up scuba diving in the Caribbean to know that the ocean is a beautiful, deep, and complex system filled with wonder and mystery. The ocean, more so than anywhere else on the planet, is truly the final frontier. What we do know about the deep sea is that its home to some of the most beautiful and terrifying creatures known to mankind. We decided to pick out our favorites and put together a list of the top horrifying creatures of the deep sea.


The more we discover about the deep sea the more certain we are that we need to take charter service after charter service to see it all. The Barreleye is an absolutely odd creature that seems like something pulled from science fiction. The Barreleye is a transparent fish with the ability to move its eyes in any direction in order to see what is going on. You literally can’t hide from this fish if it wants to see you. Oh, yeah, it also eats its prey in one giant gulp. So the ocean has this alien creature going for it. We’ll take the next cheap flight back to land, thanks.



Giant Isopod

If large insects, in particularly roaches and centipedes, make you nervous then the Giant Isopod will leave you absolutely sweating in your seat. The Giant Isopod is found at extreme depths most normally associated with the dark waters around the Arctic Circle and the North Atlantic. While the creature cannot leave the depths, instead stuck to creeping all along the bottom, it is still big enough to absolutely terrify us. Due to the nature of the deep sea the Giant Isopod suffers from ‘gigantism’ which means that these creatures would normally be much smaller at regular depths. Instead, Giant Isopods have been found up to 2.5 feet in length. We wouldn’t want to reel one of these in on the fishing charters.

Giant Isopod

Giant Isopod