15+ Horrifying Creatures of the Deep Sea

Published on January 28, 2018

Giant Spider Crab

There are very few ways to describe the Giant Spider Crab without using the words “jaw droppingly horrifying”. This is the largest crap on earth and it calls home to about 1,000 feet underneath the sea. From claw tip all the way to the other claw tip this sea creature measures about 12 feet in length. It is a Godzilla like creature that is similar in appearance to the creepiest spider of your dreams. Only it is underwater, and fast, and with gigantic claws.

Giant Spider Crab

Giant Spider Crab

Goblin Shark

Listen, there are much bigger sharks in the ocean than the Goblin Shark but this one makes the Top 2 based on aesthetical reasons alone. The Goblin Shark is a deep sea shark that is so old it is considered a ‘living fossil’ with studies showing the creatures line to be almost 125 million years old. These sharks sit at around 12 feet in length. Though that is large what most people focus in on is the protruding brow, giant mouth, and outward facing teeth. The Goblin Shark looks like something dreamed up by Jim Henson on an acid trip and we wouldn’t want to spend a second with one while in the water. When feeding the Goblin Shark’s jaws actually widen like a puppet, becoming almost cartoonishly large.

Goblin Shark

Goblin Shark