What You Probably Don’t Know About the Ancient Mayans

Published on January 18, 2018


Had you been an orthodontist during the time of the Mayas, you might have had interesting projects. One such project that was common for these people was to sharpen their teeth. Believe it or not, this was done usually for women to attract their male counterparts. Hmmm…



The Maya officially existed in state form until 1697.

Though we paint the ancient Maya as having collapsed many, many years ago the truth is that the Mayan kingdom actually lasted until 1697. The last Maya state around was Tayasal, a city out on an island that was under the rule of the Itza Kingdom. Though King Canek held on to his rule, however small, he eventually had to relinquish it to the Spanish government when they came calling. This painted the official end of the Mayan people as anything more than a scattered collection of folks with common ancestry throughout history.

The Maya officially existed in state form until 1697

The Maya officially existed in state form until 1697