The Most Unique Facts About Left-Handed People

Published on February 8, 2018

I Do.

Ahh love! Did you know that wedding rings are traditionally worn on the left hand because people actually believed that a vena amoris, or a “lover’s vein,” was connected the 4th finger on this hand straight to the heart.

I Do.

I Do.

Certain mammals are equally left/right paw dominant.

While humans have an extreme disparity between being left handed and right handed this isn’t the case in certain fuzzy little animals. Cats, mice, and even rats all split their right paw/left paw dominance in just about equal fashion. This means that a cat is as likely to be right paw dominant as it is to be left paw dominant. We can chalk this up to one popular theory: humans force their children to be right handed in order to ‘be normal’.

Certain mammals are equally left:right paw dominant

Certain mammals are equally left:right paw dominant