A Decade Passes: The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Published on January 21, 2018

Underwater Searches

On March 2010, there were some underwater searches conducted by Aruban authorities after an American couple were snorkeling and photographed what they believed could be human remains, maybe even those of Natalee. Aruban authorities did send divers to investigate the are, however no remains were ever found.

Underwater Searches

Underwater Searches

Money Trail

March 2010, Joran contacts Beth Holloway where he says that he will finally tell her where her daughter is buried. But on one condition – she must pay him $250,000 dollars. Beth wires Joran $15,000, and then $10,000 is handed to him in cash by an undercover cop in Aruba. Unfortunately, Joran gives a false location and gets charged with extortion. However(!) Joran escapes to Peru before he can get arrested.

Money Trail

Money Trail