Natural Born Killers Who Will Give You Goosebumps

Published on February 17, 2018

Not So Gentle Giant

Predominantly found in central Africa, gorillas are best treated with caution. Although generally gentle and leaf-munching, gorillas will attack and cause serious injury if they feel threatened. An adult male can reach up to a weight of 400 lbs – no joke when accompanied by powerful hands and sharp teeth.

Harambe, A 17 Year Old Gorilla At The Cincinnati Zoo


Tse Tse Fly Away

Inhabiting all of tropical Africa, the Tse Tse fly is known for its bite. A parasite, it needs the blood of a vertebrate (i.e. people, buffalo…) to survive. They won’t help you burn fat, but they will give you a nasty disease. They are a major ‘vector’ (or pathway) for the transmission of various ailments and diseases, among them sleeping sickness in humans and animals alike.

