Susan Sarandon: The Making Of A Hollywood Star

Published on February 22, 2018

Drinking On The Job

Sometimes a little alcohol can go a long way, and that was definitely true for Sarandon and co-star Gina Davis in 1991 on the set of Thelma and Louis. Davis recalls it, “We asked the prop guy, ‘Do you have any real tequila? Because it’s easier to act if we taste alcohol.’ So we pounded back quite a few, and we’re laughing between takes and both feeling, We’re so drunk! This is great!”

Drinking On The Job

Drinking On The Job

The Iraq War

When America went to war in Iraq in 2003, Susan Sarandon was very vocal about her protest against sending troops over. She took to political advertisements which she herself appeared in. This was not the first time that she broadcast her opinion on war.

The Iraq War

The Iraq War