Top 9 Reasons to Eat an Apple a Day

Published on January 28, 2018

We’ve all heard the phrase, “An apple a day will keep the doctor away”, but most people probably just shrugged it off as a reason to eat fruit. Fruit is good for you and there’s a reason that you want at least two full servings of healthy fruit in your life every day. Apples, however, seem to be among the most healthy fruits that there are. If you are looking to get into shape or merely get a grip on your diet and get healthy then you should keep on reading. Listed below are the top 9 reasons to make sure that you eat an apple everyday!

Apples offer masses of antioxidants.

You’ve probably heard the word ‘antioxidants’ a number of times as you peruse health and fitness oriented website. No, antioxidants are not something you can file in under ‘buzzwords’. Instead, antioxidants are super important for keeping your body healthy and devoid of serious issues. Antioxidants attack free radicals in your body and help reduce the amount of damage that they can do. Free radicals attack your healthy cells and open up the door for potential diseases down the line such as cancer. In apples the powerful antioxidant you will be eating is called quercetin. Quercetin is one of the most powerful antioxidants around and you get it from eating apples in just about any form. Whether you want to cut up some apples for your breakfast shakes or you just need some easy breakfast ideas, make sure to have a bushel of apples on hand.

Apples offer masses of antioxidants.

Apples offer masses of antioxidants.

Apples can lead to healthier teeth.

Make no mistake, apples won’t whiten your teeth all on their own but they can be a valuable part of your dental care routine. The reason that apples, and all other crunchy fruits and veggies, help your teeth is simple: the act of biting and chewing an apple will lead to the stimulation of your saliva glands. The production of saliva increases while you eat the apple and said saliva helps to clean your teeth, reduce tooth decay, and alleviate the presence of heightened levels of bacteria. Have an apple after a meal and you’ll go a long way towards helping out your oral hygiene. Apples also help to keep your teeth scrubbed clean and free of any excess food debris that tends to build up between your teeth and gums. Not a bad benefit for something you probably had no idea happened when you ate your daily apple!

Apples can lead to healthier teeth

Apples can lead to healthier teeth

Apples are a delicious source of fiber.

Fiber is extremely important to have in your daily diet because it is what helps keep your digestive system on track and on schedule. Apples are a perfect source of fiber and they help to keep your digestive system regulated while helping to improve the overall health of your intestines. High fiber foods also have a habit of helping to make you feel more full for longer periods of time. So if you want the perfect in between meals snack then consider reaching for your favorite kind of apple. Inside of an individual apple you will get up to 5 grams of soluble fiber and this fiber goes straight to work inside of your body. Some research has shown that this soluble fiber helps to prevent hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and even potentially some advanced forms of cancer. There’s little reason to avoid getting the proper amount of fiber in your diet, especially when it is so easy to include an apple in your lunch or on the go.

Apples are a delicious source of fiber

Apples are a delicious source of fiber

Apples are a heart healthy food.

While you need every part of your body to be working at an adequate level, there is little more important than keeping your heart beating. Keeping your ticker in great shape takes a lot of work because there are so many reasons why you could run into heart related health issues. Apples are an awesome way to keep your heart healthy and your body happy. Eating apples every day can lead to a reduction in your cholesterol. Having a reduced cholesterol level is absolutely imperative if you want to manage the chance of potential heart disease, strokes, or heart attacks. Apples also act as combatants to the build up of plaque from within your arteries. Lowering the plaque build up also goes a long way toward preventing heart attacks. This is particularly important if you happen to be female because heart disease is one of the most common killers of women. If you want a long and healthy life you could do worse than reach for an apple during your lunch break.

Apples are a heart healthy food

Apples are a heart healthy food

Apples are great for losing weight.

We’ve already begun to touch on why apples are great for losing weight but we’ll swing the focus more directly. It seems like we are always looking for a tighter waist and more defined abs but we can’t get those things without really controlling our weight. In America obesity is a true epidemic and the key to slimming down may rest inside of your apple a day habits. Apples are filled with soluble fiber which directly leads to you feeling more ‘full’. This feeling of fullness comes at the expense of a very minor amount of calories and can be key in reducing your need to keep on snacking. Along with your fiber related fullness apples are also loaded with polyphenols. Polyphenols don’t get digested when they are eaten and instead stick around in order to help influence the growth of positive bacteria in your gut. This bacteria is associated directly with weight loss and overall body wellness. This good bacteria helps to fight off the bad bacteria in your gut while restoring balance and reducing several issues related to the stomach. Add an apple to your shake or your post lunch break in order to get the most out of these benefits as they’ll immediately begin to fight off the bad stuff going on.

Apples are great for losing weight

Apples are great for losing weight

Apples keep your eyes healthy.

You don’t have to be a health nut to realize that keeping your eyes clear and healthy is a good thing in the long run. You’ll hear this phrase repeated over and over again but that never makes it any less true: antioxidants are great for your body. Long term scientific research has shown a direct correlation between antioxidant levels and the prevention of cataracts in elderly people. People who eat a rich diet filled with antioxidants, from apples and other sources, have been scientifically shown to have a 15% less likely chance to develop the blind instilling cataracts that trouble so many of our older generation. If you have eye problems already or are afraid of having them in the future then you shouldn’t waste any more time: jump on board and start filling out your diet with antioxidant heavy foods. Take care of your eyes now so that you don’t have to worry about them later. Trust us, it is easier to prevent a massive health problem than it is to try and fix one years down the line when it is actively harming your day to day life.

Apples keep your eyes healthy

Apples keep your eyes healthy

Apples improve your endurance.

I think the low key goal in life for most people is to always feel healthy and have enough energy to get the things that they need done in life. Apples, as it turns out, are great additions to your diet if you want to feel full while also getting more energy. Studies have shown that eating apples before working out will increase the amount of oxygen that makes it to your lungs — resulting in a longer, easier, and more effective workout. We could all use more energy and adding an apple to your diet can help you get there. Many fitness folks are now advising their clients to drink an apple smoothie about a half hour before heading to the gym. The smoothie helps out and tastes great as well!

Apples improve your endurance

Apples improve your endurance

Apples help you breathe easier.

Your lungs need to operate at a solid capacity to keep you feeling both clear headed and healthy in the long run. As you grow older breathing won’t stay as easy as it was when you were younger. Think about how scary that could be! For people who already have respiratory issues and fear the development of asthma, consider adding apples to your diet. Science shows that a daily apple will reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses like asthma. What could be better than being able to breathe easy?



Apples are well rounded foods.

We’ve detailed various ways that apples can help you out in the long term when it comes to your health, but let’s break things down even simpler. Apples are loaded with vitamins and nutrients and they have no fat or salt in their chemical make up. A large apple will run you only 80 calories while giving you natural flavor in your meal so that you actually enjoy it. Eating an apple a day is a no brainer, get on with eating them!

Apples are well rounded foods

Apples are well rounded foods