Forgetting Brangeilna: Photos that Brad and Angelina do NOT Want to See

Published on January 25, 2018

This is the tear jerker.

No matter how hardened you are at your ex, looking back at wedding photos that the two of you took together is always going to be hard. We bet that Brad can’t stand the idea of looking at this picture and we can’t blame him. Jolie looks serene and Pitt looks in love and 11 years later it may all be over.

This is the tear jerker

This is the tear jerker

Love as sweet as strawberries?

I know, it’s hard to love this endearing photo. While I initially thought that the red smudges seen on Angelina’s shirt was strawberry juice, but after seeing Mr. & Mrs. Smith and witnessing these two maneuver weapons so effortlessly, I’m not so sure those red marks are from strawberries. In any case, strawberries or not, these two look awfully good together when in a kitchen.

