Useful And Practical Ways To Use Aluminum Foil To Make Your Life Easier

Published on July 14, 2020

Useful Photography Tool

Beginner photographers will soon discover that their biggest problem is lighting. If you’re just beginning you’ll probably have the bare essentials and won’t be able to afford some expensive equipment like high-end flashes and reflectors.

Useful Photography Tool

Useful Photography Tool

That’s where aluminum foil can help you. Get a relatively large piece of cardboard and cover it with foil. That will become your reflector board for beginners. You can use it to diffuse, bounce, or flag both natural and artificial light like professional photographers do.

Dry Matches Forever

Many, many years ago, early humans discovered fire, and it changed their lives and those of generations to follow in a way that they never imagined. With the years, people invented ways of creating fire in a simpler way.

Dry Matches Forever

Dry Matches Forever

Rather than using flint and stones, matches were then invented and creating fire became a lot easier. For matches to work properly they need to be dry, so roll your matches on foil before you want to use them, to keep them dry.