Incredible Photographs of Animals with Rare Markings

Published on June 8, 2022

Freckled Cheetah

Most people think of polka-dotted coats for cheetahs, but this one has few spots. Guy Combes photographed it in 2012, and it appears to have freckles. Researchers believe a recessive gene caused the lack of spotting, making it seem like a lion.

Freckled Cheetah

Freckled Cheetah

The Strawberry Leopard

Multiple unusually-colored cats hit the news back in 2012. The pink-hued leopard was called a strawberry leopard by National Geographic. Its coat came from a genetic mutation called erythrism. However, it often appears in coyotes and raccoons – not large cats.

The Strawberry Leopard

The Strawberry Leopard