This Diver Didn’t Know What The Seal Wanted Until It Held His Hand

Published on February 28, 2019

Venturing To Land

Although seals spend the majority of their time in water, they will often venture onto land throughout the year, such as breeding season. Here, the pups can 3 – 5 pounds a day thanks to the 50% fat milk produced by their moms. After all, they need to be strong for their return back to water.

Venturing To Land

Venturing To Land

Learning The Ropes

Usually, the pups live with their parents for weeks before venturing off on their own. In this time, their mom learns to recognize her young through their smell alone. However, the youngsters have a lot to learn. As well as knowing how to hunt, they also need to understand who is safe – and who isn’t.

Learning The Ropes

Learning The Ropes