Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on April 20, 2023

The Truth On Air Marshals

Ever since the terror of 9/11, air marshals have become a more common addition to American and other flights. These air marshals are trained to take down terrorists of the skies, while remaining under the radar during all flights. While you might not be able to recognize these well-hidden warriors, just know that they’re there.

The Truth On Air Marshals

The Truth On Air Marshals

The Real Reason Behind The Greeting

I say it’s pretty polite of the crew to greet us as we enter the plane. But is there more to it than a humble and warm “hellosie”? Yes, it is. The cabin crew are actually assessing the passengers in order to determine who could possibly be helpful in an emergency situation, or who might be a hindrance, like someone who is aggressive or intoxicated. The crew also takes a look to see who is traveling alone, in a group or even who is able to speak English.

The Real Reason Behind The Greeting

The Real Reason Behind The Greeting