These Are Seriously The Funniest T-Shirts In Existence

Published on September 18, 2022

Summing it Up

We’re not sure why this man chose this shirt when he got up that morning, but we’re pretty sure that he couldn’t have known how this day was going to go when he put it on. That is unless he knew he would be committing a crime that would potentially get him arrested. Whatever the situation, it’s hilarious that his shirt is explaining the real life situation he’s in.

Summing It Up

Summing It Up

Lick Lick

The Rolling Stones are a great band with music that has spoken to people for decades. Their recognizable t-shirts with the famous lips and tongue is iconic. However, in this photo, the placement of the logo on the t-shirt is just a little bit unfortunate. We hope that these two will think it’s funny, and we’re sure that Mick Jagger would be quite pleased with the final photo.

Lick Lick

Lick Lick