In most cases, the bride and groom worry about the band not showing or an unruly guest. However, when the groom does something in secret right before your wedding, you could do the same thing poor Maggie did.
The videographer that day took the video of the surprise secret that Caleb had in store for them. However, the couple was puzzled when it went viral. What could have possibly happened?!
Fast Paced
After high school, Maggie and Caleb saw each other differently. They were older, and their lives were starting to change. Could there be more? Though they don’t know when it happened, they chose to make time for each other and start a relationship.

Fast Paced
Just Friends
Caleb wanted to be a US Marine, and no one could shake his determination. Therefore, the pair remained friends, supporting and encouraging each other. The relationship didn’t shift into something more for a while, but they would soon be internet stars!

Just Friends
Possibility of Forever
The pair started dating in 2013, and they soon realized they were compatible. They knew they loved each other and wanted to spend their lives together. Therefore, Caleb chose a ring and decided to pop the question. What did Maggie think?!

Possibility of Forever
Young Love
Caleb got the ring and her parent’s permission, so he asked Maggie to marry him. Though he knew she’d say yes, he was relieved when he heard her response. It was an incredible day, and though they would be 22 when they got married, that didn’t stop them from feeling it was the right move for them.

Young Love
Hard Work
Though the couple was laid back in most cases, they learned that planning a wedding was much harder than they’d anticipated. It took up their free time, and it got to the point where they couldn’t enjoy their friends and families. Would it be worth it?

Hard Work
Unwavering Decision
The couple had been through rough times before, and they knew this was what they wanted. Caleb said that he understood he was fortunate enough to be with her and wanted it to last forever. This went on since high school until now, and he would do whatever it took to make things work.

Unwavering Decision
Growing Up Fast
Though they were young, they were hard-working and mature. Caleb had reached his goal of becoming a US Marine. This was honorable but demanding. Therefore, he had to leave for long periods. Maggie dealt with most of life’s challenges alone and worried about her partner.

Growing Up Fast
Early Experience
Caleb had specific goals in mind and was driven. In fact, he was a Marine for three years before he married Maggie. While that was an impressive achievement, it also offered insight into their marriage. She knew what to expect from his chosen career, but would she cope?

Early Experience
All Booked
Maggie and Caleb hadn’t gone overboard for their wedding. They simply wanted to focus on their family, friends, and faith. However, they couldn’t find a photographer, and that was an important aspect. This was cutting it a little too close for comfort!

All Booked
The Referral
A few weeks before the wedding, they still couldn’t find a photographer. Fortunately, a friend offered a few suggestions. They knew Dwayne Schmidt, a well-known photographer. Would he be available, since he was in high demand and this was short notice?

The Referral
The couple met with him a few weeks before to see his previous work and fell in love with his portfolio. Clearly, he was perfect, and they asked him to be part of their wedding immediately. Luckily, he was free to do so, but this decision would turn everyone’s life upside down!

Getting Ill
About a week before the wedding, they got a call from the photographer. He said he required emergency surgery, and he didn’t know if he’d be healed enough to take pictures of their wedding. The couple was nervous but chose to stick with the course.

Getting Ill
Shared Faith
Caleb and Maggie had faith during this obstacle, as with all the others. It was just one example of how the world would test them. However, they had the strength to go on and trusted in their path, putting faith in God for all things.

Shared Faith
Successful Surgery
Their prayers seemed to work because Dwayne called to say the surgery went well. He was resting and had about a week before the wedding. Therefore, Maggie and Caleb focused on making sure everything else was perfect. This would be the best wedding!

Successful Surgery
Special Request
Caleb often went with tradition, but he wanted something different for his wedding day. He asked the photographer about it, and the idea thrilled Dwayne. He was excited to break with tradition and do something unusual and unique. This would be amazing!

Special Request
The Big Day
On their wedding day, Dwayne was snapping photos and capturing special moments. He documented them while they got ready and prepared to enter the room Maggie was in. He wasn’t sure what would happen, but he was excited and curious about the outcome.

The Big Day
Breaking Tradition
Dwayne was with the bridesmaids and brides while they got ready and documented all the details. However, Caleb then walked in through the back part of the room. This was nerve-wracking for him, and Dwayne made sure to take plenty of photographs.

Breaking Tradition
The Moment
Caleb made it to the stairs by the far wall, and Maggie was waiting. Dwayne was in place, snapping photos and focusing on Caleb while he slowly opened the door. She leaned out of the doorway without looking at her soon-to-be-husband!

The Moment
They wanted to avoid seeing each other before the ceremony, but they also wanted photos of before they got married. Therefore, he grabbed her hand with the doorway between them. Both started crying at this emotional moment, and Dwayne captured it all forever.

Good Vibrations
The couple was absorbed in each other during their private moment. However, the rest of the group felt the magic. Everyone emotionally watched them find and hold each other’s hands, and Dwayne turned his attention to the others for their reactions!

Good Vibrations
Beautiful Surprise
Though the couple said a prayer together, that wasn’t all. Caleb had prepared something, and his words shocked her. With everyone watching, he talked about his feelings and faith in God. However, Maggie wasn’t the only one who heard every word.

Beautiful Surprise
A Blessing
Everyone was silent to ensure that Maggie heard what Caleb said. Before the ceremony, he spoke and asked God to bless his bride-to-be and his future family. He believed he should ask before they were married, and it touched Maggie.

A Blessing
More Views
They documented the moment to ensure that people who couldn’t attend would be a witness. They were so thankful that Dwayne was there to capture it all. However, more people started to ask about the photographs, and the couple happily shared them.

More Views
Going Viral
Everything turned out well, though the wedding was slightly overwhelming. Now that they were husband and wife, they wanted to share their story with others. They were so happy for Dwayne to be there to capture it all in film.

Going Viral
High Demand
Dwayne posted the photograph of the couple, and it was shared countless times. This led him to getting more requests for work. In fact, he turned down 16 weddings one summer because he couldn’t keep up with everyone. Still, he had his own faith.

High Demand
Going Strong
The photo Dwayne took still gets attention. It was featured on the “I Do” cover, and the Facebook post itself was shared over 100 times, with over 900 reactions. The original received 61,000 likes, 9,000 shares, and 3,000 comments. Everyone seemed to get emotional!

Going Strong
The Forever Memory
It was remarkable that Maggie and Caleb were introduced to Dwayne. They just wanted a special day to remember. Now, they had incredible videos and photos to remind them of that day!
In another incredible wedding story, find out what happened when a wedding band stopped playing and an uninvited guest arrived…

The Forever Memory
Where It Started
Carisch and Sinclair met at a baseball game when he was in a minor league called Visalia Rawhide. She’d watched carefully from the stands, and he had to get her phone number. However, he had to leave town after two dates, and she worried about their time apart.

Where It Started
The Proposal
The couple dated long-distance until he could relocate to California. They were in a relationship for four years, and Sinclair finally proposed to the love of his life in 2014 while the couple vacationed in Mexico. She accepted though she worried about the future.

The Proposal
Sad News
After getting back from Mexico, Carisch received sad news. She called her mother to give her the good news about the wedding and planning. However, her mom was quiet. Was something wrong? Finally, she said that the multiple sclerosis was getting worse, and she couldn’t travel to see her daughter’s wedding.

Sad News
Plans Change
The couple decided to change their plans and get married in California. They chose San Diego to be close to Carisch’s mother. Hopefully, she could attend, and everything would be back on track. Then, something went awry.

Plans Change
Another Change
Carisch’s mom’s health declined further, and she found out she had colon cancer. This led to many tests, but the prognosis wasn’t good. Therefore, Sinclair and Carisch abandoned their plans for a wedding to focus more on her dear mother.

Another Change
The Knot Dream Wedding
Carisch relocated to Simi Valley to take care of her mom, which meant seeing her fiance on weekends only. That’s when she learned of the “Win a Dream Wedding” competition. Someone would handle everything, but the viewers got to vote on it all. It was her dream come true!

The Knot Dream Wedding
Relinquishing Control
People had to vote for the couple against the others, and votes for Carisch and Sinclair came in quickly. She knew she wouldn’t be in control of the wedding, but that was fine by her. It would take most of the pressure off her so that she could focus on her mom’s health!

Relinquishing Control
The Competition
Carisch learned that she’d won the competition. In fact, she said that the only important detail about the wedding was each other, so everything else would fall into place. Now, she could focus on her family while someone else planned the wedding!

The Competition
The First Dance
People voted on almost all the details, so Sinclair and Carisch were prepared for the big day. However, they did get to pick their first dance song, and they chose “Love You Like That” from Canaan Smith. It reminded them of everything they loved about each other.

The First Dance
Love You Like That
As the band started playing, they stopped and said there was a better idea. The couple was highly confused. Then, they heard the announcer say a special guest was there to sing the song. Carisch wondered what was going on, and the crowd was completely silent!

Love You Like That
Surprise Guest
Slowly, Carisch spun around and saw Canaan Smith walking toward the dance floor! The Knot had brought in the country music singer to sing his version live. These newlyweds were frozen in surprise, and Carisch hugged him while he started singing.

Surprise Guest
Her Favorite Song
“Love You Like That” had been Carisch’s favorite song for a while. In fact, Canaan was also a newlywed and couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than by giving this couple the surprise of their lifetime. However, that wasn’t all!

Her Favorite Song
Unforgettable Moment
Carisch and Sinclair were shocked at the generosity of The Knot and Canaan. They weren’t sure what might happen in their future lives together, but it sure started off with a bang!

Unforgettable Moment