Unexpected Noise Leads Man To Hidden Treasure Inside A Second Hand Dresser

Published on September 21, 2020
Yard sales bring a level of exhilaration that isn’t comparable to much else. The people who are selling the items are typically trying to make a buck by selling stuff they no longer need. However, the buyers see the whole thing as an opportunity. After all, you never know what kind of treasures you are going to find lurking around. Some people have an immense passion for seeking out the rarest of items, and yard sales are instrumental to that pursuit. Emil Knodell is one such person, and he is deeply invested in antiques. Read along to find out about his fantastic discovery after hearing a strange noise in a dresser he purchased at a yard sale.

A Fateful Sale

You’ve probably heard the saying, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” but it doesn’t hit until you see situations like Emil’s. He had no idea what he was about to uncover after a fateful day browsing a Missouri City yard sale.

A Fateful Sale

A Fateful Sale

Who Is Emil Knodell?

Emil is a 67-year old US veteran who is also a retired marketing director. Though those exploits are behind him, he is a very active treasure hunter who loves to get in on estate and yard sales.

Who Is Emil Knodell

Who Is Emil Knodell


A Race for Treasure

For Emil, the rush that comes with sifting through sale offerings gives him an unexplainable feeling. The fact that owners are willing to part with such items for bargain prices only serves to sweeten the pot.

A Race For Treasure

A Race For Treasure


The Odds of Success Aren’t Always Great

Emil is acutely aware of the kinds of odds that are synonymous with his hobby. While it’s not impossible to find something extraordinary, the whole thing depends on what the owners choose to sell and the level of buying competition.

The Odds of Success Aren't Always Great

The Odds of Success Aren’t Always Great


Things Were Different This Time

Even with the standard odds, Emil was optimistic as he approached the sale. Incidentally, Premier Estates Sales Network, which was vastly experienced with estate sales, was in charge of this one.

Things Were Different This Time

Things Were Different This Time


A Potential Premier Problem

The idea was to find something valuable at a steal price. The problem with that is the company running the sale was very good at identifying all valuables and ensuring that the prices were “appropriate.”

A Potential Premier Problem

A Potential Premier Problem


Not Enough to Stop Emil

Premier’s approach wasn’t enough to stop Emil’s optimism. He was determined to find something at a bargain price. Premier made it tough to avoid letting anything go under the radar, but Emil couldn’t be stopped.

Not Enough To Stop Emil

Not Enough To Stop Emil


On the Verge of Gold

In an interview, Emil indicated that he always keeps an open mind when approaching a new sale, because it’s all down to luck. “Lucky” is an understatement considering he was on the verge of striking gold.

On The Verge Of Gold

On The Verge Of Gold


Unique and Subtle

The unlikeliest of items managed to command Emil’s attention. He noticed a marble top dresser with three wooden drawers. It turned out to be from the 1890s, but its value was about to shock Emil.

Unique And Subtle

Unique And Subtle


Unknown Appeal

The item had a subtle vibe, and Emil found nothing in the drawers, as they were empty. Even with that in mind and the fact that it wasn’t too flashy, Emil felt like he needed to have it.

Unknown Appeal

Unknown Appeal


Three Days of Nothing

It turned out that the dresser was a pain point for the company managing the sale. While other items were garnering a lot of attention, the dresser sat there for three days being ignored by potential buyers.

Three Days Of Nothing

Three Days Of Nothing


Just Take It

Initially, the dresser’s price sat at $300. However, since the sale was nearing its end, the price got slashed to less than $100. Even without the upcoming discovery, it would’ve still been a steal for Emil.

Just Take It

Just Take It


An Ancient Secret

The price was undeniably impressive, but something even more fantastic was on the horizon. No one knew that the item was bearing a secret for potentially decades. Not even the estate owner’s relatives had a clue.

An Ancient Secret

An Ancient Secret


Luck of the Draw

Emil already felt lucky after getting the dresser, but he was about to feel like he won the lottery. Imagine paying for something and being rewarded with 150 times the value.

Luck Of The Draw

Luck Of The Draw


Getting to the Vehicle

After the purchase was complete, it was time for Emil to take the dresser back to his vehicle. While moving it, Emil began to have some suspicions, though everything looked as normal as could be.

Getting To The Vehicle

Getting To The Vehicle


A Helping Hand

The weight and bulk of the dresser made it difficult for Emil to get it to his vehicle on his own. After trying his luck, he asked for help. Little did he know that moving it would soon lead to a huge reveal.

A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand


Something Sounds… Different

Even with assistance, the weight of the dresser seemed to be way above what it should’ve been. No one could figure out what was wrong, but something seemed out of whack during the move.

Something Sounds... Different

Something Sounds… Different


A Clear Indication

The men helping Emil laid the dresser on its side, which is when it became super obvious. Several sounds were coming from within it. Understandably, everyone was super confused about all this from an empty dresser.

A Clear Indication

A Clear Indication


Checking to Make Sure

The men decided to ensure there was nothing in the dresser, though they had before. After two thorough checks, they came up with nothing. Even so, they weren’t ready to give up yet.

Checking To Make Sure

Checking To Make Sure


Curiosity Spills Over

The ordeal caught the attention of many people, and soon there was quite the crowd gathered. Everyone around was sure there was a secret hidden. The only question was what it was.

Curiosity Spills Over

Curiosity Spills Over


Intrigue Reaches a Fever Pitch

When Allen, one of the men who helped out, recalled the incident, you could hear how they all felt. He confirmed that everyone was very intrigued by the mystery of the internal racket.

Intrigue Reaches A Fever Pitch

Intrigue Reaches A Fever Pitch


Crowd Theories

The group surrounding the area began to get involved by trying to help the men figure it out. The consensus was that a secret place must be in the dresser. This head-scratcher was about to make itself abundantly clear.

Crowd Theories

Crowd Theories


Accidental Progress

The team wasn’t making much progress, and they chose to lay the dresser on its back next. Incredibly, that’s what they needed to do. The secret area they were trying to find was hidden in plain sight.

Accidental Progress

Accidental Progress


Mystery Handle

The dresser had a plain board at its base with what appeared to be a handle when turned upside down. Of course, this made things even more exciting. All that was left was to figure out what lay inside.

Mystery Handle

Mystery Handle


The Perfect Hiding Place

In explaining the layout, Emil indicated that you could see the drawer’s molding on the base from the front. He went on to say that the bottom has a secret drawer, which is genius because you wouldn’t look there.

The Perfect Hiding Place

The Perfect Hiding Place


No One Looked There Before

Since everything was still in place, no one looked there before Emil. It’s a shame they didn’t, though, because if they knew what he was about to uncover, they would all be incredibly jealous of his luck.

No One Looked There Before

No One Looked There Before


The Wonder of an Estate Sale

This estate sale in which Emil got lucky was one that was being held to auction items owned by a man who had passed on. Sometimes valuable items get auctioned very cheaply, as is the case with yard sales.

The Wonder Of An Estate Sale

The Wonder Of An Estate Sale


Nobody Else Caught It

Many people saw and checked out the dresser before it got put up for sale. Even professional appraisers had a look, and they all found nothing. The late owner inherited it too, say maybe even he had no idea.

Nobody Else Caught It

Nobody Else Caught It


More Than Meets the Eye

Emil purchased the dresser, hoping to get an antique piece of furniture. Instead of the three-drawer dresser he thought he got, it came with an additional secret component that was about to blow his mind.

More Than Meets The Eye

More Than Meets The Eye


A Bargain and a Half

Of course, the suspense was killing everyone. Though Emil and Jeff Allen were ready to open the mystery compartment, they were not prepared for the treasure and historical American artifacts inside.

A Bargain And A Half

A Bargain And A Half


Is It Gold?

Emil proceeded to open the secret drawer, and everyone was anxious to see what was inside. People thought gold might be inside, and they were partially right, as it contained gold, jewels, and other priceless finds.

Is It Gold

Is It Gold?


A Non-traditional Treasure Chest

A treasure hunter is a fitting title for Emil, and this was a colossal accolade under his belt. He found great stuff before, but this had to be his crowning achievement. It even contained items with dates from the Civil War!

A Non Traditional Treasure Chest

A Non Traditional Treasure Chest


Return on Investment

Imagine making a $100 purchase and ending up with an item valued at an estimated $15,000. Based on the Civil War dates, the thing may have been even older than everyone thought. Emil made the story even more shocking with his next move.

Return On Investment

Return On Investment


A Tough Decision

A moral decision took shape, as Emil contemplated the fact that he only purchased the dresser, and the contents were unknown. He could choose to sell them for profit, but would that be a morally acceptable decision?

A Tough Decision

A Tough Decision


The No-brainer

Though people saw all the items, Emil could’ve kept everything. Alternatively, he could return the items and keep the dresser he bought. He made his eventual decision without even needing to think twice.

The No Brainer

The No Brainer


A True Stand-up Guy

While others may have just taken off with the riches, Emil’s moral compass wouldn’t allow it. He said he always tries to do what’s right. So, what choice do you think he made?

A True Stand Up Guy

A True Stand Up Guy


Doing the Right Thing

Without question, Emil decided to return everything he stumbled on to the estate sale, so the next of kin could decide what to do. He said he’d never have felt right if he kept everything.

Doing The Right Thing

Doing The Right Thing


The Thankful Owner

The estate’s executor remembered seeing the piece in his grandparents’ house. However, he was unaware of the treasures within, and he was super thankful to Emil for deciding to return everything.

The Thankful Owner

The Thankful Owner


How Others Feel

While some people believe that Emil went about things the right way, others believe that since he made the purchase, he should’ve kept it all. It was Emil’s decision, and he did what he thought was right, based on his morals.

How Others Feel

How Others Feel


What Would You Have Done?

The situation was a tricky one, mostly since whatever Emil found was technically his. Do you commend his decision, or do you think he should have held on to the treasure? How would you have handled it?

What Would You Have Done

What Would You Have Done?