When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020
If you have ever been looking for a parking spot in a crowded lot only to find that someone has parked poorly and is blocking the last available space, you will love what we have for you today.

Imagine being at the mall and finding the perfect space to park. You start to turn in only to realize that the driver parking next to you has not only parked crookedly but also parked so that the wheels of their car are halfway in the spot you wanted!

It is not that difficult to park, nor is it that difficult to be respectful of other people. The following drivers seem to have not gotten this memo, as they have simply gone out of their way to park in horrible ways. From parking illegally to simply being a downright jerk, these drivers have really gone above and beyond when it comes to terrible parking jobs. Take a look!

No Escape

No Escape

Do Not Block the Fire Hydrant

Any driver knows that it is illegal to park in front of a fire hydrant, no matter where you are. When you do this,and there happens to be a fire in the area, the fire department cannot access the hydrant.

Don't Park In Front Of The Hydrant

Don’t Park In Front Of The Hydrant

In this case, you can see the consequences of what happens when you park in front of a fire hydrant. Not only will this driver have an expensive repair to pay for, but they also will certainly get a parking ticket.


Don’t Block the Wrong People

Yikes! This person certainly wasn’t playing games when they left a note for this horrible driver. We don’t have any other details about where the driver was parked or how many times they had done it, but that’s not the point.

Don't Mess With The Monster

Don’t Mess With The Monster

We aren’t sure if the person who wrote this note actually has a monster truck or not, but we hope, for the sake of the imperfect parker, that this is the case. Or, perhaps this is karma’s way of keeping things balanced?


No Parking?

Here, you can see that someone wasn’t following the rules, and when you don’t follow the rules, there are definitely consequences! In this case, the driver of this car is going to have some trouble leaving when they come back to the car.

No Parking

No Parking

We have to give props to whoever moved these dumpsters to block this car in, but we have to admit…it’s pretty smart. They certainly made a point, though, and the driver of this car is going to have to move these dumpsters before leaving.


A Passive-Aggressive Poster

Wow! Take a look at this poster! Whoever made it must be pretty passive-aggressive, right? This poster sure is, but is also definitely gets the message across that the person who is parking in this spot is less than stellar.

Today's Winner

Today’s Winner

We don’t think there is a really a prize here, of course, but like so many others, the person who created this poster has certainly gotten their point across. We also hope that the person who parked like this has started doing a better job.


Princess Parking

We get that royalty might get a bit of a special treatment sometimes, but we don’t think that this person is actual royalty. Instead, they have just rudely taken it upon themselves to park their car in a space…that wasn’t a space.

Princess Parking

Princess Parking

You can clearly see that parking isn’t allowed here, but this person has decided that they have no limits nor rules. So, why not park there? We hope this person got a ticket for parking illegally or at least got a stark reminder of proper parking.


Wrap It Up

The most basic rule of parking is to pull your car between the lines. This person, however, has not followed the rules. As you can see, there are consequences to parking over the lines, and this won’t be easy to get out of!

Wrapped Up

Wrapped Up

We can only imagine how long it took for this wrap job to be done, but it probably wasn’t quick! It may, however, be easier to get off, as long as you have a pair of sharp scissors or a long knife.


Chop Job

Whoa! This is one of the worst things we have seen in a long time. We don’t know what happened to this person, or what they did, but we aren’t sure that it can easily be fixed. …and if it can, it will be expensive!

Chop Chop

Chop Chop

Whoever owns this car is going to be in for a bit of a surprise…and it won’t be a pleasant one. It will also not be a cheap one, as this car is an Audi, and it probably was pretty expensive, as this is a luxury brand.


What’s This??

We aren’t sure what the plan was here, but we do know that this person is parked in a pretty terrible way. Whoever did this to the car looks like they lost all control, and simply started picking up anything and everything they could.

Hodge Podge

Hodge Podge

If you take a close look at this red Mercedes-Benz, you can see that it has been covered in caution tape, construction cones, and perhaps toilet paper. We also see some type of powdery substance on the hood and a lot of trash!


Note from Spiderman

This is a great note. It appears to be fairly nice, but it still gets the point across. When you look at this note more closely, though, you can see that it is pretty sarcastic and passive-aggressive. It is also pretty creative!

Note From Spiderman

Note From Spiderman

Yes, at the end of the day this “friendly neighborhood spiderman” has been pretty nice. We don’t know if this note actually solved the parking problem or not, but it is certainly good for a laugh.


Not the Best Day to Park Here

Some people think they are above others and park wherever they want. Unfortunately for this driver, they chose the wrong day to park erratically. As you can see, this day was the day for new parking lines.

Parking Lines

Parking Lines

Though it probably wasn’t possible to know the schedule of “line painting day,” it’s not that difficult to park between the lines that are there, right? The lines may be dim, but that doesn’t mean you cannot see them as you pull in.


A Trashy Situation

Can you imagine if your car was in this situation? How gross! It is disgusting enough to find trash by your car, but look at all of this trash! There are at least 40 garbage cans surrounding this car. Can you even guess how smelly this is?

Trash And More Trash

Trash And More Trash

You almost…but not quite…feel bad for the driver of this car. They will have to move several of these stinky trash containers to even get into their car, not to mention how many they might have to move before they can drive away.


Smart Car Problems

It seems like no car is immune from being parked badly. In this case, we have a Smart car that has been parked illegally. These cars are so small they can get into spaces that aren’t meant for other cars…but this wasn’t a good spot.

Dumb Parking Job

Dumb Parking Job

Though we cannot see it, we assume that there is a “No Parking” sign somewhere. After all, whoever set this up wrong “No parking means no parking.” We aren’t sure if these guys own the car or they set this up, but they don’t look happy.


Post It

In this case, we have a person who is threatening to post a photo of this terrible parking job online. We say this is a threat, but obviously, it wasn’t an empty one. We can very clearly see this car…right here on the internet.

Internet Ready

Internet Ready

If you can’t see this sign, it says that this person is such a terrible parker that the person placing sign said they “might post a picture of this on the internet.” We hope that the driver has learned his or her lesson!


Draw It Out

Maybe someone really doesn’t know how to park…if that’s the case, they might need directions. We don’t really believe this, of course, but this person really took their time to try to explain it to this parker!

Parking Instructions

Parking Instructions

As you can see, the person who wrote this note was blocked in by the car that this note was placed on. They gave very specific instructions, and even added a little more at the end; instructions on showering.


A Poem About Parking

Poetry is a wonderful way to express ourselves, including the way we feel about others. This poet, however, doesn’t have a lot of nice things to say about this person’s parking job! Well, they probably were parking like a tool…

Parking Poem

Parking Poem

Though this might not be the best poem we have ever read, you have to admit that the person who wrote it certainly tapped into their creativity. Plus, it’s downright rude to make people doubt their grammar.


A Masterpiece?

Art is something that is interpreted by each individual person, and we would bet that the person who made this work of art is pretty proud of their accomplishments. We will say that the color scheme is certainly working.

Mobile Canvas

Mobile Canvas

We have to also say that the precision in this work, including the straight yellow lines, is a delight to the eye. We also appreciate the splash of blue on the front, and the artist really captured their sense of anger on the rear.


Car Tipping?

We have definitely heard of cow tipping, but car tipping? Well, if you are not parked in the right space, there might be something to this. As you can see, this car was parked over the line, taking up two parking spots, and someone didn’t like it.

Toppled Over

Toppled Over

Someone…or more likely several someones…has pushed this car over the line. We can’t even imagine how heavy this car is. Even though it is small, it still must be quite heavy. But, that didn’t stop this person, and now the car is between the lines.


Chocolate Sauce

Thus far, we have seen a number of methods for showing people that they are terrible parkers, but this person really kept things simple. Anyone who parks illegally or without regard to others, kind of deserves this, right?

Chocolate Surprise

Chocolate Surprise

This person simply spelled “IDIOT” on this car, which is very obviously parked over the line and halfway in the street. You can also clearly see the big space on the left side of this photo, which would be very adequate for parking.


Who Wins the Parking Award?

We have already talked about someone who won the parking contest award winner, and now we have another. This person has also won the “parking award,” but in this case, their car was filled with balloons and streamers.

Parking Award

Parking Award

We have to give props to this person. Not only did they totally decorate this car, but they also gave this winner a paper award. Compared to other things we have seen, this isn’t a tough cleanup, but it will get the point across.


Helen Keller

If you don’t know, Helen Keller was an amazing woman who was not only blind but also deaf. Obviously, she would not have had an easy time driving. Can you understand why someone would write this on a car that was parked incorrectly?

Blind Parking

Blind Parking

Though this wasn’t exactly the nicest thing to say, whoever wrote this certainly got their point across. We also don’t know how this person randomly had white paint, but maybe that’s not the biggest problem in this photo.


Personal Parking Spot

We can all agree that it would be nice to have our own personal parking space, so this trickster gave this car exactly what it seemed like the driver wanted. In this case, perhaps their own parking spot?

Personal Parking Spot

Personal Parking Spot

We have to admit that this is pretty entertaining. It is also very creative, of course. We still don’t quite understand why people would park like this, though. No matter what the reason, it’s pretty rude and inconsiderate to others.


Are These for Sale?

If you are like most of us, you probably see bad parking jobs all of the time, right? Wouldn’t it be great to have something like this ticket to place on the windshields of offending cars? If these are actually for sale, sign us up!

Parking Ticket?

Parking Ticket?

If you take the time to actually read this fake parking ticket, it is pretty funny. It covers everything from the person parking being inconsiderate and rude, as well as wishing the driver of the car a failed transmission in the middle of the night.


This One Was Probably Not Easy

We aren’t sure how long it took for someone to do this, but we are pretty sure that they were totally dedicated to this cause! Someone obviously didn’t park in the right spot, and someone else wanted to make sure that they knew it!

Perfect Cart Circle

Perfect Cart Circle

This looks like an impossible task. How could someone do this? We don’t know how they did it, but it certainly got the point across. We can also be pretty sure that the person who owns this car won’t park in an illegal spot again.


A Team Effort

This solution to a bad parking job was obviously a team effort. We can see from above that the white SUV in the middle of the circle of cars is not only taking up two spaces but actually three!  Something had to be done.

Team Efforts

Team Efforts

Because this white SUV is taking up so much room, and even though it is a pretty empty parking lot, these people in the other cars want to make a point. There is nowhere for the white SUV to go unless one of these other cars leave.


Trashing a Car

This photo gives new meaning to the term “trashing a car.” This car was also parked in the wrong place, and someone made sure to give the driver a lesson in manners. The difference here, however, is that they used trash!

A Trashed Car

A Trashed Car

Luckily, whoever did this to the offending vehicle didn’t have to look far for supplies. This car was parked right next to the garbage dump. This is probably why it was parked illegally and got trashed in the first place.


Bicycles are not Immune

Cars are not the only vehicles that can park illegally. If you have a bicycle, you have to make sure that you are considerate of that, too. As you can see, people won’t hesitate to teach others a lesson, even when parking a bike.

Parked Bicycle

Parked Bicycle

As you can see in the first picture, the bicycle is parked in a spot that is meant for a car. Someone didn’t like this, though, and they took things into their own hands. When you look at the second photo, you now see a car in the spot and the bike in a tree.


Mother Nature’s Revenge

People who are terrible parkers might get away with it when it comes to their fellow humans, but they cannot escape the wrath of Mother Nature. In this case, you can see several fallen trees, but look close…something is interesting here.

Mother Nature Takes Control

Mother Nature Takes Control

There are several cars here, and if you look closely, you can see that the cars that are parked legally did not get hit by these fallen trees. However, if you look at the bottom of the photo, you can see that Mother Nature got her revenge on an illegal parker.


Potato Clan Revenge

This is one of the most creative things we have seen so far. We can only guess that this car was parked there for a while because it certainly would take some time to carve this potato clan from these tubers.

The Potato Clan

The Potato Clan

As you can see from the sign, the person who created this “Potato Clan” took this to extremes. They even are threatening to bring out the entire “produce army!” We aren’t quite sure what that means, but it doesn’t sound good!


Interesting Consequences

This car must park in the same spot over and over again, it seems, because this is a very interesting note. We can tell that this person must be pretty creative, because not only did they come up with this creative letter, they had a creative way of getting their point across.

The Stuntman

The Stuntman

We hope that this was a lesson learned for the owner of this car, including the fact that they should not park in the way of the path. A path really should only be used for walking…not parking.


The Monster Truck

It is pretty bold to not park between the lines at any point, but the driver of this white car really took that to extremes. They didn’t even care to park in the spots at all. Instead, they took up two spots…and parked perpendicular.

Monster Truck

Monster Truck

This monster truck driver took matters into his or her own hands, though, and they certainly taught the driver of the white car a lesson. We think that this person probably won’t try to park like this again.


The Big Wrap

We have already talked about a car that got wrapped after the driver parked it in a forbidden spot, but this one goes even further. Where the other one was simply wrapped in plastic, this one has an extra bonus.

Wrapping It Up

Wrapping It Up

If you look closely, you can see the car is fully wrapped, but there is more. There is also a dirty dumpster wrapped up there, too! So, not only does the owner of this car have to contend with the wrap, but they also have to deal with the trash!


Shopping Cart Revenge

This is pretty smart. As you can see, this driver parked in two spaces with the parking line pretty much right in the middle. But, as we have discussed before, this is just rude and inconsiderate behavior.

Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart

If you look close here, you will see that someone has made this driver’s life a little difficult. They actually used a zip tie to attach a cart to the handle of this car! That will hopefully teach the driver of this car to park like a normal person.


Law Enforcement?

Here we can very clearly show you that even law enforcement is not immune to the wrath of angry people. This parking enforcement car was actually given a ticket for…you guessed it…parking illegally!

Parking Enforcement

Parking Enforcement

We hope that the person who got this ticket isn’t too mad. It doesn’t matter who you are, you shouldn’t be above the law. If they parked in the wrong place, they should get a ticket just like anyone else.


Yet Another Award

Here we have another award winner, and this one got the blue ribbon for the “Best Parking Job Ever.” We don’t know if this person is actually proud or not, but it might be time to re-evaluate life choices.

Another Award

Another Award

This person took a photo of the offending car, and then they printed the photo with a blue ribbon. There is plenty of room for the car to have parked closer to the curb, but for whatever reason, they didn’t.


Trouble Times Two

Here we have something interesting. This car must have been parked so horribly, that not just one person felt the need to point it out…two people did!  Yes, here, you can see two different parking notes from two different people.

Double Trouble

Double Trouble

It seems like the person who parked this car has parked it illegally, right in an office parking lot. As you can see from one of the notes above, it has caused a “massive inconvenience” to those who work in this office.


Keeping it Simple

The person who left this note was certainly keeping things simple. In this case, the driver of the Lexus you see in the photo has reportedly taken up two spots instead of one. But, the writer of the note has pointed it out.



We have to agree that it seems like a bit of overkill to pull your car into two parking spots, no matter what. It is especially rude when there are very few spots available. But, we don’t know why someone would do it if there are plenty of spots available.


Fancy Cars Don’t Get Special Treatment

Some people who have fancy cars might think that they deserve special treatment…but they don’t! We all have the same right to a parking spot, no matter what type of car we are driving. This driver must have had a different idea.

Fancy Car?

Fancy Car?

In this case, you see the nice, white fancy sports car taking up two spots. Rude, right? Well, the driver of the dirty Jeep certainly believed so, and they took one for the team and decided to show the sports car driver a lesson.


Pointing it Out

Depending on the type of car some people drive, they might think they are more special than others. Many people have this stereotype about truck drivers. For example, this truck driver has certainly added to that stereotype.

Special Truck

Special Truck

As you can see, the driver of this truck has taken up two spaces. As we have already noted, this is pretty rude behavior. But, someone has pointed it out, and the driver of this truck hopefully got the message.


Parking Too Close

Yikes! One glance at this photo shows you that someone might have been a terrible parker, and someone else decided to teach them a lesson. If you look closely, you can see that the GMC car is parked between two spots.

Too Close

Too Close

The owner of this Jeep, which is next to the GMC, is totally parked legally, so if there is ever any issue here, it must be with the GMC. We suppose that the GMC driver could have parked next to the Jeep like this too, but the opposite is much more likely.


Perpendicular Parking

You have probably heard of parallel parking, but perpendicular parking? This SUV has certainly taken some liberty here, and as you can see, the driver has taken it upon themselves to park perpendicular to the normal spots.

Perpendicular Parking

Perpendicular Parking

Thankfully, two people have taken it upon themselves to teach this crazy driver a lesson. As you can see, there was one car parked in front of the SUV, and then one parked behind it. There is nowhere to go unless one of them moves.



We have seen a lot of consequences to parking problems, so far, but this one is pretty wild. You can clearly see a black sports car, which is perched atop some type of cage. Since this is near dumpsters, we can guess that this is in a no parking zone.

Car On A Crate

Car On A Crate

But, even if this driver thought they were pretty slick, this tow motor driver is coming to make some trouble. As you can see, the tow motor driver has come to make things right. We think that the sports car’s driver is not going to be happy.


Who Doesn’t Love This Idea?

We have already seen a couple of instances here with printed parking signs and cards that look pretty professional. This is another example of that. The only difference, in this case, is that aliens are involved.

Aliens Watching?

Aliens Watching?

This is a pretty harsh thing to say to someone, but let’s be honest. If someone is such a terrible parker that they must be called out, well…let’s just say the truth hurts. Hopefully, this driver has seen the error of their ways.



This little blue car is stuck…totally stuck. Obviously, this vehicle is not parked in the right place, and someone has taken it upon themselves to make sure the driver of the car is absolutely sure that they messed up. How can they get out?

Totally Stuck

Totally Stuck

We don’t know how much these concrete barriers weigh, but we are fairly certain that it would be pretty tough for one person to move them on their own. Hopefully, this driver was able to get it all figured out.


Total Destruction

Wow. This is definitely something that we haven’t seen yet, and it should certainly be a lesson to anyone who is considering parking illegally. We don’t even know how this happened, but we definitely know it is bad.



This looks like some type of concrete ripper-upper, and if it can destroy concrete, there is no doubt in our mind that it can destroy a car. if there is anyone on this list that should learn a big lesson, it is the driver of this car.


Chained Up

In many cities across the land, law enforcement uses some type of wheel block when they find an illegally parked car. This device must be unlocked by said law enforcement, but usually only after a fine is paid.

Chained Together

Chained Together

We don’t know where this photo was taken, but it doesn’t look like there were any of those wheel blockers available. Instead, this car’s tires were stopped from rolling thanks to some very heavy chain. Try getting out of that!


A Note, A Note, and A Note

We have seen a number of notes left on vehicles so far, but this really takes the cake. Here, as you can see, someone has taken the time to totally coat this illegally parked vehicle in sticky notes. Wonder how long this took?

Filled With Sticky Notes

Filled With Sticky Notes

This is a pretty funny prank when all things are considered. Some of these people have done things to damage the cars that are parked illegally, but in this case, the person or people who placed these notes were just making a point.


Speaking of Stickers…

Speaking of stickers, this car is also covered in them. Except in this case, instead of sticky notes, this person or people used actual stickers. We can certainly tell that the car was parked illegally, but we can’t totally see what these stickers say.

Sticker Attack

Sticker Attack

It certainly took a long time for whoever did this to complete the task. We can’t even begin to guess how many stickers are on this car, but if they are like bumper stickers, they are probably going to be pretty difficult to remove.


Another Spot

This is not the first time we have seen people making their own parking spots. It is also not the first time that someone else has pointed it out. What is it with people parking so crooked? Can they not see the lines?

Writing In Chalk

Writing In Chalk

These parking lines are very obvious. There is really no reason that the person who was driving this blue Honda couldn’t have made it between these white lines. Thankfully, someone made sure that they knew about it.


Another Team Effort

We have seen team efforts like this before, so it makes sense that we would see it again. Sometimes, we have to team up in order to get things done. In this case, several other drivers came together to teach this driver a lesson.

Another Perpendicular Parker

Another Perpendicular Parker

When you look at this picture, you can see that this car, like a few others we have seen, parked in a perpendicular way. However, all of these other cars bonded together, to teach this driver the ultimate lesson.


Another Prize Winner

Here, we have another parking prize winner. We can certainly imagine seeing this sign at a distance as you walk towards your car, but the truth of the matter is, we can’t actually say that this was a prize worth winning.

The Big Winner

The Big Winner

What makes this parking pariah different from the rest is that the note alludes to the fact that they have been parked in the spot…or spots…for more than a month! That is downright ridiculous in our opinion.


Passive Aggressive Poster

This is a funny one, and we think it’s quite creative. As you can see, this is like a coloring page, something that you might give a young child to learn how to color between the lines. Remarkably, that’s the same lesson you should learn when parking a car.

Coloring Page

Coloring Page

We can’t really see how this person parked, so we don’t know how bad this parking job was. All we do know is that this driver didn’t park between the lines, and someone thought they needed some practice to learn how.


A Sticky Situation

We have seen other cars that were stuck thanks to being blocked into an area by other cars, but this situation takes it to extremes! Obviously the driver of this car parked in the wrong spot, and these bus drivers don’t seem to care much.

No Escape

No Escape

We aren’t sure how this car is going to get out of this mess, but maybe they should have thought about this before parking there. The only solution we see is for the bus at the bottom to move aside. But will the driver do it?


Funny Ferret

This is definitely one of the funniest signs we have seen, and there are a lot of great signs that people put on the cars of horrible parkers. In this case, the sign makes some assumptions, including a ferocious ferret and blindness.

Ferret Sign

Ferret Sign

As this sign says, this must have been quite a parking job. We don’t know how bad this was, but it had to have been pretty terrible for someone to place this sign. We wonder, though. Can you buy these?


Motorcycle Parking

Whether you love them or hate them, motorcycles need to park, too, and in many places, motorcycle parking is clearly marked. However, in this case, an SUV seems to have made that motorcycle spot its own. Rude.

They Made Their Point

They Made Their Point

Luckily, this motorcycle got the ultimate revenge. The person who owns the motorcycle was able to get a spot, which is great, but the owner of this SUV is in a pickle. Seems like they should have thought about that before they parked.


Handicapped Parking

You should never, ever park in a handicapped parking spot unless, of course, you have a legal handicapped sticker. Seems like this driver didn’t get the message, though. It looks like they parked right in this spot without a second thought.

Revenge Is Served

Revenge Is Served

Thankfully, someone had an idea of how to get revenge on the driver of this car. Not only do they have a mess on their hands, but this is also a very obvious display. Everyone who passes will see that they are a terrible person.


Another Box Job

This is one of the cool boxing in jobs that we have seen a few times already. We have to say, this is one of our favorite ways to make a point about bad parkers. It is creative, and it definitely gets the point across.

Boxed In

Boxed In

We wish we were there to see the face of the driver of the middle car. They will certainly be surprised by the cars that have now surrounded it. The big car might have been there when they parked, but we guess the others were not.


Bad Parking Consequences

Most of the bad parking jobs we have seen have been blocking two spots, but this travesty is showing not two, not three, not four…but a whopping five parking spots!  Who does this person think they are?

Stuck In Place

Stuck In Place

Thankfully, the law has stepped in to teach this driver a lesson. If anyone on this list deserves to have their wheels locked up and be ticketed, it’s this person! Hopefully, they learned something valuable from this incident.


Lack of Consideration

Here, we have yet another car that has parked in a perpendicular manner…and yet again, we have some heroes among us who have taught this driver a lesson. When are people going to realize that this is not the right way to park?

Another Terrible Parker

Another Terrible Parker

These two cars have really packed in close to the offending car. This makes it totally impossible for the red car to leave. Hopefully, the driver of this car doesn’t have any place to go, as it might be a long wait.