A Welder Near Explosive Tanks
Every Color, One Name
These crayons are clearly different but are all labeled one color; yellow. Either the manufacturer didn’t notice the mistake, or they were too lazy to change it. A child could get confused quickly as to what color the crayons really are if they are still learning; it would be best to keep this box of crayons away from as many children as they can. Someone should send these back for a reprint. The sturdiness of the crayons could use some work as well.

Four Crayons
Missing Headline
A journalist sometimes has to balance multiple articles at a time. The Headline can be one of the hardest things to think up, and leaving a placeholder for it saves time and allows you to come up with something amazing. The author of this article clearly forgot to edit the placeholder, leaving in the nonsensical line of wording. Let’s hope the piece doesn’t follow the lead of the title, or else no one would be able to read it.

All Mixed Up
This calculator could make Pythagoras and Max Born, two world-renowned mathematicians, rage quit their occupations if they ever came in contact with it. The person who designed the calculator has clearly never set their eyes on a calculator in their life. The numbers are all over the place, and there is a double zero placed at the bottom. Whoever owns this is going to have a hard time in class, not knowing where to press on this graveyard for numbers.

Calculator With Numbers Mixed Up
Flip-Flops, the Shoe of the Summer
Nothing is better than relaxing outside, swinging back and forth on your patio swing, your feet adorned with flip-flops, enjoying the l30-degree weather. This store either didn’t read what was written on the display case, or the seriously thought flip-flops were a good match for the winter. The snow may do well indoors, but if the ground is covered in snow or if the temperature is cold enough to freeze a forest fire, it would be best if you didn’t wear them outside.

Flip Flops In Store
A Drain Without Purpose
This drain is doing absolutely nothing to filter out the rainwater that is quickly developing around it. The sewer is too high above the ground to drain out the water in the park, most likely leading to a flood that could fill up the entire park. This situation can put a lot of children’s lives, as most kids don’t mind playing in the rain. At least the small patch of grass surrounding the drain can rest easy, knowing it has a direct way to drain itself of water.

Flood Around Sewer
This is Not the Continent You’re looking For
This shirt proves that some people on this planet cannot identify the different continents. There are even some who believe that Europe and Africa are countries. Due to that fact, it isn’t shocking that this shirt was made and left unchecked. It is really easy to Google the continent you are trying to present and make sure it is correct. How this shirt made it all the way to the store is amazing. Hopefully, they realized their mistake before sending them out to more stores.

Wrong Continent Image On Shirt
A Not-So-Helpful Sign
The sign gives a great message to the drivers passing by, although it isn’t really doing the bikers any favors by being in the way itself. This picture defines the term irony. The person who placed the sign there probably has a sick sense of dark humor. It wouldn’t be surprising if he were lurking somewhere close by, waiting behind a large tree or a parked vehicle, waiting for that unsuspecting cyclist to come across the sign with a puzzled look on his face.

A Sign In The Bike Lane
Nine Days a Week
Imagine being the owner of a store and craving money so badly that you invent two more days just to sell more products. Anyone who works here would have the most confusing schedule in all of the world. Considering a week only has seven days, they may have to double up on most days just to work close to the number of days this store is expecting them to. They should have turned the number nine upside down and settled with being open only six days a week.

Nine Days Of The Week Sign
A Rebel to the Rule
The words ‘do not stack’ are written boldly and clearly on the sides of the boxes, and yet an employee decided to stack the boxes anyway. The employee responsible for the mistake probably chose to ignore the warning just to make their job easier. During the peak times at a pizza shop, it can get hectic, and no one wants to have to fold a new box for every ordered pizza. Despite this fact, it is probably best not to disobey the rules, no matter how much easier it makes things.

Stacked Boxes
Mixed Up Buns
Unless they invented a new look for both the hamburger and hot dog by switching their designs, the labels for these buns probably need to be flipped around. Most, when shopping for some of their BBQ supplies, won’t really notice the name on the bag. Most, when shopping for their BBQ supplies, won’t pay too much attention to the bags they select. Luckily for the buyer, it shouldn’t matter too much since they bought one of each.

Hot Dog And Hamburger Buns
The New Face of Watermelon
It’s not a secret that most of the modern food of today is made with genetically modified ingredients or contains them to a certain degree. Some of the engineering that we have done with food has changed some of its appearances, but not the extent of completely changing the fruit or vegetable itself. This corn is undoubtedly not a watermelon, nor could it ever be. Unless the corn decided to dress up as the tasteless fruit for Halloween, it should be relabeled.

Corn Labeled as Watermelon
Please Speak into the Remote
Technology has come a long way over the decades. There are vacuums designed to clean up for you, washer and dryer machines that can text you when they’re done, microwaves you can tweet from, and so much more. Even the recording software and the ways to do it have evolved exponentially. The remote control, however, has remained the same throughout the years, and using it as a recording device would most likely be impossible. It is a pretty darn hilarious, though.

Man Being Interviewed
Movie Mash-Up
There are thousands upon thousands of movies out there, stemming from around the 1800s. Sometimes, the mind can forget the title of a film, and you’re left guessing what it could be. Instead of looking it up on the ever-trusted Google, the people who created this sign decided to stick with their obviously wrong guesses. Anyone who sees this may think two new movies recently swept into theaters, although it is easy to guess what the films really are.

Movie Titles That Were Mixed Up
I’ll ‘Sotp’ When I Want
The stop sign next to the misspelled word did not stop whoever spray-painted the word from spelling it incorrectly. The word was right there in front of the worker, and not even that could save them. Instead of making sure the stencils were in the correct order, the worker chose to take the lazy approach and spray-painted as is. If it wasn’t for the stop sign right next to it, drivers might get confused as to what to do at that line.

Stop Misspelled On Ground
I’ll Stack the Chairs if I Want!
A little rebellion can go a long way in working on getting the rights that you are due. The workers at this resort were probably mistreated by management, as most workers are, and decided to get even. They completely disregarded the sign stating not to leave furniture there under any circumstance and stacks a bunch of pool chairs right beside it. The employees probably got a good laugh out of this; the managers may not have the same reaction.

Chairs Stacked Against A Wall
Let’s Pop Some Ice
Found within a McDonalds, these mislabeled bags of popcorn somehow found their way into the burger restaurant. McDonald’s isn’t really the leader in popcorn sales, so how they ended up with it is unknown. Whether it was a mix up at the factory they purchased it from, or if they miss-clicked during the order, no one knows. The good news is, they could create a limited time offer for McPopcorn and make extra money, something we all know the Multi-million-dollar restaurant needs.

Popcorn Labeled As Ice
A Squeaky Prank
Children, since the start of the school system, has come up with unique and creative ways to prank their teachers. There is always a class clown in every classroom, and the person who set up this prank is definitely one of them. The teacher must have had a long night to mistake the hoodie as a student. Imagine the horror of having the balloon pop during class; for a fraction of a second, she probably would mistake the noise for the sound of a student’s head exploding.

Balloon In Hoodie
I, Want Candy
It is a well-known fact of how most candy machines operate; the person put the bags of candy inside of the device was clearly too lazy to do the job correctly. Everyone knows you have to pour the candy out of the bag, or else what would be the point of using the machine? If anyone had a craving for either M&M’s or Skittles, they would be better off just buying it from a grocery store, unless they can find a way to fit the bag of candy through that tiny hole.

Bags Of Candy In A Machine
School of Self Defense
Nothing says back to school like a display of sharp, metal knives. Whoever buys from this stand obviously has children enrolling in the school of the almighty blade, or live in a very questionable neighborhood. The employee who put the knives here either didn’t bother to read the sign, or wants to start a fight club involving weapons across the district. The idea of a child taking a knife inside of their school probably wouldn’t sit well with their parents or with the school administration.

Knives In School Lane
Noodles and Square Cheese
The school who thought it was a smart idea to use pasta noodles and processed, American Cheese must be ascribed to the concept of playing practical jokes on its students all year round. Mac and Cheese is a favorite food among most of our youth, and if they were to see this monstrosity of a meal, they’d most likely pick steamed broccoli over this. The cafeteria should be shut down for cruel and unusual punishment.

School Mac And Cheese
A Trustworthy Definition
The person who created this sign technically isn’t wrong with how they chose to describe bananas; they are indeed long yellow things. They must have had a brain fart when trying to think of the name of the delicious fruit, or they have never seen a banana until now. It certainly makes for a good laugh. Now children and adults alike across the area can say with absolute certainty that they can accurately describe a banana.

Bananas In A Store
In or Out?
If we had the choice to live out their lives as lazy couch potatoes eating as much as we want and never gain weight, or go to the gym every day to maybe one day get the body you want, most of us would choose the latter. This gym was so sick of people showing up and then once arriving at the door, deciding against their choice and going home, that they gave everyone an ultimatum with their conflicting messages.

Signs On A Door
Crumbling Down
Move aside duck-tape, the new contender in the DIY quick fix for broken things is now the versatile plastic wrap. The product is useful in a lot of ways. It can be used to wrap food so it won’t spoil, hide a gift when you run out of wrapping paper, even when wrapping it around your stomach, blocking your sweat glands and pretending you’re losing weight, it wouldn’t be as useful in fixing a crumbling pillar.

Crumbling Wall
A Disaster Waiting to Happen
No planning was put into this disastrous parking lot job. The lines are too close in proximity, and some of them jot off into odd angles, which would make it impossible to get out of the lot once you found a way in. The construction workers in the photo couldn’t have been satisfied with the work they did. This parking lot deserves to be in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most confusing and deadly lot.

Unorganized Parking Lot
No Entry
The worker that installed the bar in front of the door clearly didn’t think it through. After zooming into the image, it looks like the room is supposed to be a storage room. The only way to store anything in the room now would be to play a quick game of limbo. If you’re not flexible, good luck trying to get anything through that door. It may be time to find a new storage facility.

Pole In Front Of A Door
The Adult Version of Water
The mistake pictured in the photo is either the work of an alcoholic looking to get everyone hooked on the stuff or Jesus trying to inform everyone of his return. Unless the bottles were redesigned to make drinking water more desirable, these bottles were placed here by mistake. Wine can sometimes be a replacement for water for someone attending a party or celebrating a huge accomplishment in their life, but it certainly couldn’t be a permanent replacement.

Alcohol Labeled As Water
The Unusual Epithet
This employee decided to see if he could get a few laughs using a pizza label as a name tag. No customer would actually believe his name was deluxe sausage, but to see the look of a disgruntled customer ask him his name only to see the double entendre adorning his name tag would be priceless. It’s too bad the manager didn’t find the harmless joke amusing, it would be hilarious to see them join in under the pseudonym, meat lover.

Boy With A Pizza Label As A Name Tag
No Way Across
Creativity, when paired with construction, can conjure up some fantastic sights, examples being the Taj Mahal and the Potala Palace. When put to good use, creative designs can make anything look like a work of art. This bridge fell a bit on the short side when it came to creativity, being so unique that it is now unusable. Although unfinished, the bridge is already a disaster, having one side further away from the other. Drivers may want to avoid this bridge once it’s finished.

Unfinished Bridge
The Path of Doom
Unless a biker is planning on being the next Evel Knievel and setting a record for the most jumps taken in one minute, it would be best not to follow the arrow pointing directly at the black bars jutting from the ground. Luckily, the trail is wide enough to give bikers room to pass each other by, but the fact the person who painted the sign knowingly put the arrow there is pretty troubling.

Bike Trails
Half of a Woman
This billboard looks like it was made by a deranged magician obsessed with cutting people in half. The marketing could be used to show the clothing items as separate pieces, accenting each one as an individual rather than showing the outfit as one full piece. It could also be thought of as an ad that appeals to cannibals and murderers who like seeing women in two parts. Either way, the worker who hung billboard was not paying attention.

Woman On Billboard
Choco Cone
Flavored cones, especially one dipped in chocolate, can complement and sometimes enhance the taste of the ice cream. It is a bit inconvenient to have the chocolate around the area where you hold the cone. If the chocolate just surrounded the top of the cone, that would be fine, although it still wouldn’t fit how the packaging says it shows it to look. Whatever factory screwed this up, they just caused someone a handful of melted chocolate.

Ice Cream With Chocolate Cone
Flying Car Spaces
These parking spaces were clearly set up the wrong way, having the bumper block blocking the parking space, rather than have it at the end. The only way someone can park here is if they are willing to risk destroying their car’s tires or if they have the prototype for a flying car. Maybe the building the parking spaces belong to is trying to keep people from parking there. Perhaps too many accidents happened in that area.

Parking Spaces
Color Mishap
The mis-colored tiles would easily mess with the heads of anyone who likes things a little too neat and tidy. The person who placed the tiles is clearly a master of psychology. They created the perfect situation to mess with anyone who passes by. They were either an evil genius or a careless worker looking to finish up as fast as they could. It’s like placing the last two puzzle pieces down in the wrong hole.

Miss Match Tiles
A Buggy Situation
The stored within the package is clearly not what is supposed to be in there. The packaging shows and states it should be a spider, but instead of harboring the loveable arachnid, it contains a lowly insect instead. An entomologist would cry in a corner if they saw this horrible mix-up. There is even a picture of what a tarantula looks like, and somehow the manufacturer still got it wrong. Whether a tarantula or a roach is scarier is another argument.

Fake Bug In A Package
Oh, the Irony
Despite what the tank says, the fish inside is definitely not alive. This situation is a combination of false advertising and blatant fish murder. The cloudy, brown color of the water probably had something to do with the death of the fish, or maybe he decided to be a rebel and sacrificed himself for the sake of irony. The fish knew he would end up dead anyway and opted for an extremely dark joke.

Dead Fish In Water
Sleeping on the Job
Many people work jobs that force them to wake up early or stay well into the night. It isn’t shocking that most people grow tired after the first few hours of work, or around the golden time, 2:00 p.m. This employee fell prey to the call of sleep and took advantage of it. Hopefully, no one checked to see how that proposal was coming along, or else she’d quickly find herself in the unemployment line choosing from a list of crappy jobs.

Woman Asleep On Her Desk
Who Let the Pigs Out?
The woman’s face is in the perfect position to make this photo hilarious. Not sure if it was intended or not; there was more than enough room to the left of her to place the image. The news must have been pretty exciting to watch that morning, bringing much-needed laughter to the start of many people’s day. If the news were this entertaining on a regular basis, everyone would make it a habit to tune in.

Pig In Front Of A Woman’s Face
Yes We Do!
Cheerleaders usually have the stereotype hanging over their heads that they are a few watts short of a light bulb. This image doesn’t really help change the minds of anyone who thinks this. They could claim it to be a simple mistake or a typo in real life; if they can sneak away, there still may be time to fix their error. There is a bit of space left to squeeze in the missing letter I.

Cheerleaders With A Misspelled Sign
Return to Sender
Sleeping on the job is acceptable in countries like Japan, where it shows a dedication to the task, making you come across as a hard worker. Sleeping inside of a mailbox you are supposed to be collecting from and leaving it open for someone to steal other people’s mail probably doesn’t give off that same vibe. This employee was most likely let go from his job after being caught, which is a fitting end to someone willing to risk the safety of mail for a quick nap.

Man Asleep In Mailbox
A Man with No Name
Almost everyone in the world would love to have their 15 minutes of fame on television, whether it’s taking part in a three-hour high-speed chase, or being interviewed by a reporter. This man was probably looking forward to seeing his name on the big screen, only to find that the person in charge of editing the footage forgot to insert it into the segment. At least his friends and family can still recognize him by face.

Man Left Anonymous
Mistaken Identity
Names can be tricky, especially if you do not hail from the country the name originates from. What helps is knowing the pronunciation and spelling of someone who is known world-wide, like former President Barack Obama and Osama Bin Laden. How their names became intermingled can be chalked up to a typo, but that doesn’t change the fact that the knowledge that these two people are different is relatively obvious. Hopefully, no one took this as an answer to what is Obama’s last name.

Bad News Report
30 Minutes or Less, Guaranteed!
Most pizza places offer the policy that if the pizza hasn’t reached your home within 30 minutes, the pizza is free. No company actually wants to uphold that policy, so it is expected that employees get the pizza to its destination before that time expires. This girl went above and beyond to make sure she was on time, even parking her car in a ditch. Maybe if she had taken a few more minutes to park, it would’ve been late.

Pizza Delivery
No Privacy for the Squatter
A urinal doesn’t traditionally have a door, quite the opposite. This bathroom, for some reason, chose not to supply the toilet stall with a door. Whoever is brave enough to use this stall will have to deal with being exposed to anyone who walks in. Using a bathroom with no door can be embarrassing to anyone; no one wants an audience while they are trying to empty the toxins from their body, it is uncomfortable enough just to have to listen to it.

Flaunt What You Got
Nothing makes a better dress than your birthday suit, at least, that’s what this department store seems to think. Being comfortable in your skin is definitely a plus, but not at the expense of gaining a public indecency charge. On the other hand, someone probably forgot to put the dress on the mannequin, which seems a lot more plausible than promoting women to walk around naked. They may want to add the dress, or they may end up starting a new trend among nudists.

Super Hero Mix-up
Many children idolize Superhero’s, and having an item that features their favorite is a dream come true for some. Having said item that features the actual name of that superhero is even better. It is not easy to mix up the dark clothed, raspy-voiced Batman with the overpowered, red and blue adorned Superman, but the people who made this backpack managed to do just that. Hopefully, the child who received the bag doesn’t know how to spell.

Superman Backpack
Finished in 3st Place
Elementary school is the time we begin to learn the sequence of numbers, learning what order to put them in and what ordinal indicator to use after what number. The person who made this medallion must have forgotten what followed the number three because it clearly isn’t what’s shown below. Maybe they tried to encourage the kid by mixing first and third place, showing that there are no real losers if you work hard enough.

A Taco and its Filling
Fast food is a quick and accessible way to fill up your stomach when you don’t feel like cooking. Although not the healthiest alternative to cooking your own meals, it is usually the choice for many Americans. No one likes when their order is ruined to some degree, whether it is the wrong size or wrong food in general, but most can let a small mistake slide. The employee that prepared this taco probably hasn’t had any sleep all day.

Paint it Yellow
People are often warned not to park their vehicles in an area that is due for construction, but for some reason, some tend to ignore the warnings from both the construction workers and the police. The person who parked their vehicle here probably thought those yellow cones were a practical joke and parked there anyway. They paid the ultimate price for their boneheaded mistake. Imagine their face when they walked back to their car and saw it covered in paint.

Paint On Car
Pink is the New Blue
The gendering of colors has been a thing since department stores began the campaign to sell more products, with blue becoming a male color and pink becoming a female color. The person who created the banner wanted to break the mold and reinvent the social norm. There are plenty of guys into the color pink, but buying this for a baby that has yet to identify his preference in color is a bit much.

Baby Sign
A Freaky Situation
At first glance, the DVD case looks normal, but after taking another look, you’ll notice the actor’s names are switched. Odds are the actors didn’t swap names, and they certainly didn’t swap bodies. The sad thing is, these two actors are very well known, so to mix up the names is shocking, to say the least. For everyone who hasn’t seen the movie, they can get confused very quickly as to which one is the cop and which one is the con.

Movie DVD Case
The Magnificent Drowning Phone
This phone is advertised to float, but from the photo, it is safe to say that it failed miserably in its execution. This device is certainly not worth the $129 advertised; it wouldn’t even be worth $1.29. They should probably consider selling it as a waterproof phone instead, although that may be a lie as well. Who knows if the product will work after you fish it from the tank. Next time Mr. Smith should take the magician approach to making something float on water.

Phone In Water
A Hard Cup to Handle
The people that designed this cup clearly have no idea what the function of a cup really is. Considering most cups are handcrafted, it is hard to imagine how they managed to get the handle on the inside of the cup. Maybe they wanted to create a new style, but this one falls a bit short. How this made it to stores is unknown. The better question is, why would anyone want to buy it?

Cup With Its Handle Inside
The Impossible Staircase
One half of the staircase is completely functional, while the other side forces a game of duck and dive just to make it to the other side. No reason comes to mind as to why someone would think to connect the two staircases in this manner, as it is entirely impractical and creates an unnecessary hurdle. Everyone who decides to climb these stairs should think about sticking to the right side of it, just to avoid an accident.

I’ll Make a Man Out of You
Either this man has a twin sister who went through a sex change, or the yearbook committee screwed up and replaced Teresa Kennedy’s photo with Ben Kisita’s. It is probable that Kennedy didn’t show up for picture day, and they thought they could get away with using a stand-in. It would have been a better idea not to use someone’s picture that wasn’t on the same page. They should have just left it blank.

Bathing in Milk
Typically, an ad containing cereal would have the milk splashing from inside the bowl, not under it. It is highly unlikely that anyone eats their cereal this way, especially if they don’t want to make a mess. The designer probably wanted to be different and edgy by putting the liquid on the bottom of the bowl, implying the bowl was dropped into a large puddle of milk. That is going to be one dry bowl of cereal.

Cereal Box
Lacking in Security
This machine certainly won’t stop anyone from leisurely driving through the parking lot, considering it stops a little short of its destination. Most people probably wouldn’t even notice it was there, despite the red and blue coloring. Even if they moved it a few several inches away from its resting place, it still wouldn’t suffice in stopping oncoming vehicles. The building it belongs to should invest in buying a longer one. How anyone thought it would be effective, the world may never know.

A Parking Lot
An Inaccurate Fortune
The fact the fortune is placed right in front of the cookie makes one believe that the person who put this together has no idea how a fortune cookie works. The choice in the message of the fortune is especially hilarious, considering the irony. Either this was the result of a well thought out joke or someone screwed up so badly that the created the perfect mix of irony. Whatever the reason, it is amusing, nonetheless.

Fortune Cookie
Another Fruit Left Confused
Yet another fruit wanting to experience the fruitful life, pun intended, of the watermelon. Here we see a group of wild pineapples, disguising themselves and the green, seed-filled wonder. It’s going to be pretty hard for a pineapple to pretend to be watermelon with the massive green crown protruding from its top. Although it may be more believable than the corn, at least one part of it is actually green; it can just find a way to dye the yellow areas.

Sealed and Secure
There is no denying that this bottle of alcohol is probably the best-sealed bottle on the market. The manufacturers won’t have to worry about anyone trying to snag a sip while in stores, they also don’t have to worry about anyone actually buying the product in general. No one wants to waste a possible 30 minutes trying to pry the wax off of the bottle. Whoever decided to use this much wax is obviously against drinking.

Alcohol Bottle