These Seniors Didn’t Hold Back With Their Savage Yearbook Quotes

Published on July 22, 2021

Classic Conor

Choosing a quote to include alongside your yearbook photo is no simple task. Many students mull over what they want to accompany their photos for a very long time. Some choose to quote songs or movies, other go for philosophical snippets. Then there are other types of students, who really could not be bothered at all to think about what quote will be adjacent to their photos. Such was the case with Connor, who quite literally told the yearbook creators to “just put some quote in.”

Classic Conor

Classic Conor

But You Can’t Tell

In addition to choosing which quote will accompany your yearbook photo, one more big decision needs to be made as well when it comes to the yearbook photo itself: what outfit will you choose to wear in your yearbook photo? This is not a simple task, as you will forever cement the image of high school you with this outfit. Arnold Lee did not really seem to care about the magnitude of this, and chose to forgo wearing pants altogether.

But You Can't Tell

But You Can’t Tell