They Just Fit So Well
“And to prove to you just how much I love you, we’re going to get matching tattoos.” And that was that – their love was setting in two almost compatible corner puzzle pieces.

They Just Fit So Well
Loves Her Ice Cream
What is your favorite food? And how much do you love it? Would you say you love your favorite food so much that you would get it tattooed to your face? No? Well then perhaps you should have a chat with Tiffany here, because she knows what true dedication looks like.

Loves Her Ice Cream
She Sees You In Her Dreams
We all want someone who loves us, who dreams about us, and who’s always thinking about us. But maybe having your girlfriend ‘stare’ at you while you’re sleeping is a little but much.

She Sees You In Her Dreams
That’s Your Mom
One of the first things babies do when they’re born is cry. But after they cry they usually cuddle up to their mommies, but not this newborn. She is completely mortified that this is her mother, and especially that that’s her tattoo.

That’s Your Mom
Wait, Who’s Brenda?
If I told you that your life depended on the answer of my next question, would you dare answer who this guy is in love with? This dude is like a walking, breathing font palette.

Wait, Who’s Brenda?
There’s nothing quite like having McDonald’s for the first time in your life. Brad was so chuffed with the experience that he decided to get an exact copy of the receipt tattooed on his arm. Is this one of our tattoo fails?

Muddy Marilyn
Marilyn Monroe is arguably the most famous sex icon of the last century, so why wouldn’t someone want a tattoo of her? No reason, but why would someone want to get the Jersey Shore version of her?

Muddy Marilyn
Drake Mistake
Is she a trend-setter, or a winner of the tattoo fails? She loves Drake, it’s no secret, but does Drake love her? A classic case of the “Drake Mistake”.

Drake Mistake
Programming Is Life
Sebastian really wanted to start picking up the hot girls from computer class. He spent hours thinking up a plan, until he came to this. Talk about a perfect way to pick up programmers.

Programming Is Life
Where Do We Start?
Of course I know who Jon Bon Jovi is, I’m just having a hard time with Jon Bovi! Who is he, and why can’t he spell right? “It’s is my life.” Right, got it.

Where Do We Start
Feeling Content With Body Odor
This is possibly the most honest tattoo you will ever see in your life. If she ever doesn’t get the chance to put on deodorant, she can just blame the onion.

Feeling Content With Body Odor
Merriage Is Permanent
This would make for a perfect proposal in the North Pole. Unfortunately for Nina she would realize that not only did her boyfriend have some very cheesy ideas, he also couldn’t spell too well either.

Merriage Is Permanent
Oh, The Irony
He’s probably just tucking another finger under the palm of his hand, right? RIGHT?! I really hope so, or this is a candidate for the top tattoo fails awards.

Oh, The Irony
To Big What?
You’re missing something there, sonny. It’s just an ‘O’, but they’re kind of important. Just think about it, what would ‘coat’ be without an ‘O’? It would just be ‘cat’… just cat.

To Big What?
Remember This, Kids
Apparently this person was too cool not just for regular school, but for art school too. Also, just a thought, why would a school bus represent not going to school?

Remember This, Kids
Walking Advertising Board
Listen, I’m all for promoting the company you work for, but is this taking it too far? Maybe her promotion depends on it, or maybe it doesn’t.

Walking Advertising Board
This Could Have Been Different
When the lady at the tattoo parlor asked the college student what he wanted to get done, this was not it. The drunk student simply said, “I regret this tattoo,” thinking it was done already.

This Could Have Been Different
Is This Hefner’s Arm?
There are so many girls on planet Earth, so we can hardly blame this guy. He didn’t intentionally get her name wrong, it just came out that way, but at least he managed to cover it up.

Is This Hefner’s Arm?
A Writer’s Motto
As a writer I totally agree with this guy, I need a pen to get my work done. But something tells me that he meant something else.

A Writer’s Motto
Who’s Going To Tell Him?
I tend to disagree with you, sir. That unnecessary apostrophe will most certainly last forever. But don’t stress, it’s too late anyway.

Who’s Going To Tell Him?
While you’re so busy correcting the spelling errors on your tattoo, let me help you out. What about changing ‘your’ to ‘you’re’ as it should be?

Belief In Miracles
So we’re thinking that there are two good options for this one. First it could be that ‘belief’ makes things real, or it could be that ‘life’ makes things real. Probably the former option.

Belief In Miracles
Do You C It?
This young lady seems pretty content with her unique personality, and we respect that. We do have a question though – what is ridioulous? It sounds pretty good in comparison to being boring.

Do You C It?
As Long As You Rember
I find that the usual case with most people is that they remember before they forget. The only difference is that this tattoo doesn’t say that at all. It says ‘rember’.

As Long As You Rember
Instructions For Mom
Ever since he was a young boy, he had a nanny that would clean up after him, and clean him. But with the high turnover rate of nannies in LA, his parents needed a way to have to nannies stop calling them at work.

Instructions For Mom
The Same Goes For Tattoo Fails
If only there was a verb for the word ‘life’. Oh wait, I think there might be one… LIVE! Right, “you only live once.”

The Same Goes For Tattoo Fails
Except This
You might need to do a double-take to see the mistake here. The tattoo artist didn’t seem to, though. Life shouldn’t be about regrets, but it shouldn’t be about regerts either.

Except This
The Most Famous
For the guy who literally bit a piece of an opponent’s ear off, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by his life choices. Despite the tattoo being quite grotesque, it suits him in a weird way.

The Most Famous
God’s Plan
I’ve always wondered what happens to us after death. This guy apparently knows, and the answer sounds pretty cool. God will fudge us, and only God is able to fudge us.

God’s Plan
Where Are These ‘Ledgends’?
What exactly are ‘ledgends’? Are they the people who sit buildings’ ledges and take ridiculous selfies? If they are, I hardly believe they live forever.

Where Are These ‘Ledgends’?
Or Your Tattoo Artist For That Matter
I completely agree with this woman! But surely the tattoo artist shouldn’t be given the responsibility to make “dicisions” for anyone either.

Or Your Tattoo Artist For That Matter
Your Spelling Is A Marshian
If someone asked me to sound it out, I would spell this word the same way. However, even having said that, before getting any tattoos, make sure you know exactly how to spell the words you want permanently inked onto your body.

Your Spelling Is A Marshian
In Case You Forget
So not everyone knows what it means, so I’ll explain. YOLO stands for “You Only Live Once.” Surely having gotten the tattoo on his arm, he would have known what it means.

In Case You Forget
Makes Sense
Ah yes, the fugitive sock-eating blue-eyed kid! Who doesn’t want this tattoo these days? I’m sure he’s a great kid, with a great variety of interesting hobbies.

Makes Sense
It’s Hereditary
Oh, poor William! He was the only male in his entire family that couldn’t grow a mustache. It was really bad because it was a family tradition to grow one’s mustache out. He was determined to continue the family’s legacy, so this was his idea.

It’s Hereditary
What? Just What?
You know, I have a few ideas for some wording that might rescue this disaster. Firstly correct the spelling, and then completely rewrite the sentence.

What? Just What?
Mariah Carey
The beautiful and talented Mariah Carey deserves so much praise! But does she also deserve her name tattooed on the back of someone else?

Mariah Carey
So… Always Give Up?
Didn’t anyone ever teach this guy about double-negating a sentence? Dude, you literally just told us to always give up. Well done.

So… Always Give Up?
Congratulations! Based on your own theory, you know have your first lesson. There is no such word as ALLways. Drop an ‘l’.

An Extreme Mistake
Hello there, would you be interested in some ‘t’? I don’t mean the drink, I mean the letter that’s missing from your tattoo.

An Extreme Mistake
You Know What Else Is Awful?
The amount of time that superfluous ‘E’ will be tattooed to your skin is an awfully long time too. We’re glad he understands the concept of ‘forever’.

You Know What Else Is Awful?
This Is Tragic
There are really two ways about seeing this tattoo. On the one hand it is definitely a tragedy (not tradgey), but on the other it is really comedy!

This Is Tragic
When Avocado Is Life
If you had to get a tattoo of a fruit on your body, where would you get it? We’re not sure what this person’s answer was but this is the result.

When Avocado Is Life
And A Spelling Test Is Coming For You
Your = it belongs to you. You’re = you are. Yore = a time long ago, like when this guy was supposed to have learned all of these things.

And A Spelling Test Is Coming For You
Something Else To Read On The Toilet
If this guy truly loves books as much as he says, we might see many more tattoos. Can you imagine if he got an entire book tattooed onto his back?

Something Else To Read On The Toilet
Owning Up To Them
This guy deserves quite a lot of respect, I mean just look at him owning up to his mistakes. He probably could have avoided this had he just said this before going under the needle.

Owning Up To Them
We’ll Keep Laughing
It doesn’t matter how much of a tattoo fail this is, we just need to keep smilEing. That way everything will be okay – just look at that little sucking candy.

We’ll Keep Laughing
So So Close
Who’s to blame here? The tattoo artist or the tattoo recipient? We could even shift the blame to Bob Marley… well only if that was actually him.

So So Close
Being Honest
Let’s all agree first that this is not on the tattoo fails list. This should be put in the gallery for older men with a great sense of humor, because this is excellent!

Being Honest
Your Right, You Know
Aside from these tattoos looking like they were carved into this guy’s arms, there’s the age-old ‘your’/’you’re’ mistake. When will people learn?

Your Right, You Know
Not My Daughter
This is an artist’s impression of what your daughter would look like with a different color scheme. So, what do you think? Is this a clear representation of your daughter?

Not My Daughter
Angel? Maybe A Private Tutor
You know what they say, “There’s no ‘I’ in ‘team'”, but there actually is an ‘I’ in ‘win’. However we must point out that there is no ‘I’ in ‘angel’.

Angel? Maybe A Private Tutor
We Almost Let You Have It
Oh, oh. That’s all that’s missing. But sonny we have to take a sidestep here and ask, “what does ‘too fast to live’ mean exactly?”

We Almost Let You Have It
He Loves Cheetos
Yes, “in snax we trust”. That is going to be printed on every new dollar bill from the day that this dude becomes our next president. Cheetos ambassador for president!

He Loves Cheetos
A Bad Break Up
Nobody likes a bad break-up. It’s always difficult getting red of their stuff – old photos, their last lingering items of clothing, and especially their memory. But what do you do about a tattoo of them?

A Bad Break Up
No More Loyal Than This
What is loyalty? Well, loyalty is getting the word ‘loyalty’ tattooed to your face to prove to someone else that you’re loyal to them. Does that seem like a reasonable way to depict loyalty?

No More Loyal Than This
A Poet’s Back
First things first, his name is actually Kevin, not Dave. Now that we have that out the way, we can say that Kevin (not Dave) has a quirky sense of humor. We especially like the microwave part.

A Poet’s Back
Not My President
We all know the sentiment some share that Donald Trump is “not their president.” But when you take a look at this atrocious job of a tattoo, you’re right, that isn’t your president.

Not My President
When You Insist On Designing Your Own Tattoo
All of his friends told him that he was actually pretty good at drawing. So when the time came for him to get a tattoo, he thought he would just draw what he wanted done. Bingo!

When You Insist On Designing Your Own Tattoo
Tattoo Fails
Getting tattoos on your face is a way of expressing yourself just as much as getting tattoos on your arms would be. At least this woman has something beautiful and nothing obnoxious written across her forehead.

Tattoo Fails
No Need To Study
Some people are just born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Saints know exactly what I’m talking about – they never have to study a day in their lives when it comes to tests; they always get a pass.

No Need To Study
Pikachu, Where Are You?
Pikachu, Pikachu? Where are you? No really, where are you? You certainly aren’t here, on this dude’s arm. But this guy has some little dude that looks like he needs to go… real bad.

Pikachu, Where Are You?
Death Before Dishonor
Some say ‘death before dishouner’, I say ‘think before you ink.’ Now the following question might not have an answer, but I’ll ask anyway. What exactly is ‘dishouner’?

Death Before Dishonor
Too Literal
Ah, don’t you love people who take everything too literally. I’m thinking about Ed from Good Burger as I write this – “The manager already knows my name!”

Too Literal
Getting Over Your Ex Like
“So, tell me about your past relationship.” All he needed to tell everyone after getting this tattoo was that her face used to be where the grim reaper is now. Case closed.

Getting Over Your Ex
Gaurd Or Guard?
This font is really beautiful. The message is a shot to the heart, wow! The spelling error is subtle, but it’s still there.

Gaurd Or Guard?
Care For Some T?
This hasn’t been scientifically proven yet, but she might be onto something. Her case would be a whole lot stronger if she had that missing ‘t’.

Care For Some T?
Permanent Glasses
Laser eye surgery is becoming more popular as it becomes safer and more affordable. But someone has got to tell Philip that he has the wrong impression of what ‘laser eye surgery’ means.

Permanent Glasses
The Real Harry Potter
Who said that fictional characters aren’t real? Here we can see a bearded version of Harry Potter… or that’s who this guy thinks he is.

The Real Harry Potter
Laden With The Wrong Tattoo
Until 2011, Osama Bin Laden was America’s most wanted terrorist. Now we must ask, who would want to get his face tattooed onto their body? The only explanation we could think of is the unit that took him out.

Laden With The Wrong Tattoo
Loves Judge Judy
Would you believe that there are people out there who believe that only God can judge them? I know, ridiculous! We all know that the true judge is the one and only Judge Judy.

Loves Judge Judy
Ideal Hairline
We should all have goals, from the smallest things to the largest. When it comes to one’s hairline there’s no kidding around. So this guy got a tattoo of where he would like his hairline to reach. Those are the goals I’m talking about.

Ideal Hairline
X-Files Fan For Life
The truth is definitely out there, and so is the hilarious tattoo artist who agreed to do this. Maybe he’s not the only person with this tattoo, maybe David Duchovny has one too.

X-Files Fan For Life
Pikachu Saves The Day
This is creativity at its best. No, I’m not talking about Pikachu’s artistic skills, I’m talking about the genius who made the most brilliant cover up for one of the greatest tattoo fails.

Pikachu Saves The Day
What It Really Says
All he wanted were the four words, ‘peace’, ‘love’, ‘respect’ and ‘devotion’, tattooed on his back. Little did he know that the words were actually, ‘bowling pin’, ‘itchy’, ‘caviar’ and ‘hopscotch’.

What It Really Says
Is It Now?
Sometimes the most brilliant messages come in the dirtiest bottles. A brilliant example of this analogy can be seen in this photograph. Isn’t that new nolege?

Is It Now?
It’s Does
We really hope that this is true. Because based on this epic tattoo failure we’re not feeling very hopeful. At least the font isn’t totally terrible.

It’s Does
Where’s The Barber Shop?
Finally! We can put a face to the story book of someone’s very crazy life. Were you wondering where the barber shop was? This time it’s not right under your nose.

Where’s The Barber Shop?
6-Pack Eventually
Let’s face it, getting a 6-pack is one of the most difficult tasks out there. But there are some ways of getting it without even visiting the gym once, you just have to be willing to get under the needle.

6-Pack Eventually
Do We Even Want To Know
If you were wondering what nightmares were made of then this is your answer. It’s kind of like a football player, it’s kind of like a pirate and it’s probably nothing like the image it was supposed to be.

Do We Even Want To Know
Not The Same Wings
Poor Megan! All he wanted was a pair of wings tattooed to her back like all of her friends were doing. She was as much an angel as they were. Too bad she caught the tattoo artist when he was getting ready for his lunch break.

Not The Same Wings
Christopher Walken The Zombie
Oh yes, Christopher Walken’s new role would be that of a zombie. If you weren’t informed about this then you probably didn’t bump into this guy.

Christopher Walken The Zombie
Thenks God For Autocorrect
We have to give credit to this young man for giving credit to his mom for bringing him into this world. However we have to minus a point for spelling and grammar.

Thenks God For Autocorrect
Sense Of Humor
It takes a special kind of love to agree to get this shared tattoo. If they’re ever apart they probably have a lot of explaining to do to anyone who asks what their tattoos mean.

Sense Of Humor
Bentley Is His Name
Is this guy’s name Bentley? Maybe, but highly unlikely. Is his name Dave? Bob? Richard? Who knows, but what we do know is that he has the Bentley logo tattooed to his face.

Bentley Is His Name
The Right Angle
We all want to know, “which angle is that exactly?” You really need to know the difference between a right angle, a guardian angel and the wrong angle altogether.

The Right Angle
Always Braided
After he donated his hair to charity, he found a new way to keep the ponytail he was once so proud of. We salute you, sir.

Always Braided
Gaga Goo Goo
Away! Push those things away, my son! Those childish thoughts, those childish dreams, and all those childish past-times. Son, it is time to become an adult, and getting a tattoo like this is exactly that.

Gaga Goo Goo
Where Were The Parents?
What does this tattoo really say about him, and what does it say about his parents? One thing for sure about this one, he’ll never lose his luggage tag.

Where Were The Parents?
Not Strong
He was the most brilliant person anyone had ever met. He was also the fiercest. But there was one thing he just was not – he was not strong, but he was stong!

Not Strong