Oddly Satisfying Photos That Will Appease Any Perfectionist

Published on March 11, 2019

Crystal Clear

The water of Flathead Lake in Montana is the very definition of crystal clear water. It’s so clean and clear that this photo almost looks like an optical illusion. The lake is a nature conservationist’s dream. It would seem that the only ones who wouldn’t benefit from the water’s clarity are fish who want to hide from being caught.

Crystal Clear

Crystal Clear

Satisfying Sticky Note

One way to keep work exciting is with fun and colorful office supplies. Nothing keeps productivity high than rainbow colored sticky notes. That is, unless the sticky notes themselves are the cause of procrastination. The results here are so pleasing to the eye, that surely any manager would excuse the time wasted to create this perfectly pleasing creation.

Satisfying Sticky Note

Satisfying Sticky Note